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American Society and the Flamingo

The Flamingo, a peaceful creature, a creature that does not do much. It is an animal that has largely impacted American society however. The pink flamingo has acted as a path way to a livelier America, one that makes itself bold and proud. The Flamingo has lead to an America that lives large. American society has gone beyond this message though, not only living large, they have begun idolizing the flamingo, by putting plastic statues of it on lawns, and having live ones walking around large public outlets, such as casinos and hotels.

American society’s bold idea types have been based largely off of the flamingo. With its natural pink color, the flamingo practically screams bold. The flamingo has told Americans to live without shame, to live big, to live bold, to stick out. Acting as an animal icon for the movement, many people have followed the flamingos message, and now drive cars that have outrageous colors, and wear clothing of bright neon colors. Some however, have taken this bold lifestyle and taken it the next step further and followed the path of the flamingo, by wearing everything that is a bright shades of pink, in a similar fashion to how the pink of the flamingo sticks out from the rest of the animal world. Some famous celebrities even follow this suit, such as Elvis, rocking out in his pink car.

American society holds the Flamingo in high regards for the valuable lesson it has taught us, and this has come close to the point where the flamingo is held in a near religious level. Everywhere you go, there will be pink plastic flamingo statues, acting to show the owners high regard for the beautiful creature. The animal even acts to mark opulence, as the highest caliber of casinos and hotels often have the beautiful birds wandering the grounds. This shows the high regard that we hold for it, as not only are plastic models of the wonderful bird made, but we allow live ones to wander around the places where the best of the best gather and spend money.

So, to conclude the story of this amazing bird, just remember, this bird has changed the life of thousands, has it changed yours?

*Photograph: “Flamingo” by Robert Claypool licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic @ Flickr


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