TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Working Teenagers

As we grow up into being young adults many things become more real to us. We need to choose what we want to do for the rest of our lives, where we want to go to college, and all the other crazy things we are all going through, it can all add up. We have to get our license, get a car, and get a job. It can be a hard time for us all.

Working can add so much stress on teenagers and on anyone in general. “According to Labor Department data, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for teens 16 to 19 years old was 24.9 percent in April”. (US News) Think about going to school for six hours and then going to work for another five and not getting home until 8:30P.M. This is what I do almost everyday. School is like a job. You have work to do, you need to get things done, and it’s stressful. Same things applies to working.

We sit through six hours of class with only a half an hour lunch break. Then we head to work for 2:30P.M. and work until eight at night. It can add up to a long day. We may be younger and be able to handle it better physically, but I know for myself that it can be stressful and hard on your body. After working I’m exhausted. I go home, take a shower, eat a quick meal, finish any homework, then head to bed. And I do this over and over again. Parents expect us to work. If we have a car we need to pay for gas, right? Well sure, but I don’t think they understand how much of a strain it puts on us. I just think adults should look at all the things we are going through before telling us that our lives are easy. We might not be out in the real world yet, but we are definitely getting a taste of what it truly is like to be out in the real world.


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  • ttruehart14
    April 14, 2014 at 11:01 am 

    This is so true, i work right after school too, i have found that if i bring it to my managers attention that i need some more personally time because of school they will be very glad to help, tho i can understand you need the hours to make money from work to get ahead in life, but its up to the worker not the parents nor employer to worry about personal lives.

  • glabbe14
    May 13, 2014 at 8:37 am 

    This is true I find that when trying to get a job its hard to do also when it comes to school work. These days it even harder to get a job mainly do to the economy and the fact that teens need to put even more effort into getting one. Because of this a lot of teens are needing to rely on their parents more than they need to.

  • glabbe14
    May 13, 2014 at 8:45 am 

    I find that when trying to get a job its hard to do also when it comes to school work. These days it even harder to get a job mainly do to the economy and the fact that teens need to put even more effort into getting one. Because of this a lot of teens are needing to rely on their parents more than they need to.

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