TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Fighting Feminism

The “problem” of sexism is on the top of the list of importance for many woman, taking precedence over the much more prevailing and dire worldly issues.  Thousands of children don’t know where their next meal is coming from; the nonexistent variation in salary is much more urgent. Millions are killed every day in war; occasional comments objectifying woman is far more insulting. American women have the right to vote, do not face discrepancies in salary, and face just as many gender stereotypes as men do. Society is not equivalent to how it was in the sixties. Burning bras and fighting gender discrimination may have been appropriate four decades ago, but the continuance of feminism in this generation is not pertinent to today’s reality.

What extends the trend of feminism is the continuing belief that woman are paid less than men in equivalent positions. Even in a recent debate, both presidential candidates agreed with an audience member’s claim that women earn $0.72 to a man’s $1.00. The dedication to political agreeability is a major factor in the continuance of this disproven myth. The Department of Labor found that the difference in money earned between genders is not due to wage, but due to time worked. They conclusively found that women work 78% as much time as men do (“Fatal Work Injuries..). This disparity is not even factored into the stated “difference” in pay. In addition, imbalances in choices of pursuing careers in fields with danger, high-stress, and inconvenient hours, which pay more, are not included. If women chose the same careers and worked the same amount of hours, they would earn $1.00 to a man’s $1.00.

Some also believe that men will be offered more jobs and promotions than women, and thus, earn higher salaries. This is commonly referred to as the “glass ceiling.” A study by CNBC found that jobs, particularly in the tech field, are being offered to women faster than to men and with higher salaries. Women are being offered just as many jobs as men, if not more, but the issue is the fields chosen to go into. Earning jobs and promotions isn’t based on sex, it’s based on how competitive the job market is in one’s chosen field.

One thing that many feminists are correct about is that female business owners do make less than half of what male business owners make. While many place the blame of this occurrence on male supremacy, it’s actually due to females. Business owners are their own bosses, so each decide how much profit goes to their own bank account. On average, men more often than women, dictate money as their primary motivator, which is reflected in personal choice, and discredits any “discrimination” involved (Tobak). Much of what women blame men for is the direct result of the choices women made, which makes feminism entirely ironic.

*Excerpt from previous essay with the sources:
“Fatal Work Injuries and Hours Worked, By Gender, 2010.” CFTB. US Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.
Tobak, Steve. “The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Myth – CBS News.” Business, Entertainment & World News. CBS News, 16 Apr. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.
Featured Image: Microsoft Clip art Image used by permission according to license.


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