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Ten Factors to Consider when Finalizing College Choices

Acceptance (and rejection) letters are rolling in to many. Some students have already made their final choice on which school they wish to attend, but others are still debating. Before making the initial deposit, important aspects of each school should be considered one final time:

1. Location: Going out of state or in state? College presents an opportunity for independence regardless of what city or town it’s in. It’s one of the easiest times in life to completely change your scenery, but maybe your current situation suffices. The school you applied to far away could give you the best experience if you break out of your comfort zone.

2. Environment: Urban, country, or suburban? Big or small? Some schools are large enough that they have their own zip code, while others are an insignificant portion of the surrounding area. It can be easy to be lost in the crowd in a large, urban school, but smaller student bodies can grow monotonous.

3. Academics: Whether undeclared or having the same major you decided at age seven, the academic program and vigor is one of the most important aspects of choosing a school.

Accepting and weighing the critiques of those who chose each school will help you make a more candid decision.

4. Program Alterations: It is important to research the flexibility of the school when changing majors, choosing classes, or studying abroad. Although one may feel their decisions on program of study are set in stone, these choices are often changed.

5. Students: Current and past student opinions provide a beneficial insight into the experience each school provides. The information provided on the school’s websites and tours will not show the true first-hand opinions of the negatives of each.

6. Faculty: Not only is the student to faculty ratio important, but the credentials of the professors themselves. It is important to know their availability to students and average experience in the field.

7. Extra-Curriculars: Some schools have more opportunities for club memberships or intramural sports than others. Look into what different organizations each school includes in relation to your own interests. These clubs are what connects you to others with similar interests.

8. Retention Rate: If a school has a low retention rate, it is safe to assume there is a factor causing these students to drop out or transfer. This would be a red flag to look into, as you could have the same issues that others have had.

9. Job Placement: Based on reputation or school programs to aid students in finding employment after graduation, some schools have higher job placement.  It’s wise to look into which colleges continue to aid students in the career following their attendance.

10. Financial Aid: Possibly the most important aspect of choosing a college would be the affordability. After receiving your financial packages from each school, you need to weigh the overall factors with cost. The more expensive school could give you the better education and experience. The choice of which college to attend should not be entirely based on finances, but it should carry some weight. It’s all up to the student what factor is the most important to them, and if they can afford it.

If these tips are neglected or ineffective, you are presented with the options of either transferring or suffering through the next four years.  However, a successful college search should allow you a fun-filled and educational four years.

Featured Image: Microsoft Clip art Image used by permission according to license.


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