TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Adoption Discrimination

The struggles gay people face is shocking to many. The fact that they are limited to what they are allowed to do when everyone else is able to do it doesn’t make sense. Such as something as special as getting married and having kids. They have to fight just to live a normal life raising a family.

Although adoption is not illegal for gay people like marriage is in some states, it is sometimes still denied to them. Many adoption agencies are more strict with their requirements when it comes to a gay couple. They can be reluctant and hesitant to allow them to adopt. But it shouldn’t be that way. The only thing different between a heterosexual couple and a homosexual couple is gender. And the gender of the parents in no way harms the life of their child. Things that can harm the happiness and safety of a child is divorce which affects about half of married couple today. Also, single people are able to adopt. So what makes a child being raised and supported by one parent any better than the child being raised by two parents who are the same gender? And isn’t a child not having a family and home worse than is having a home with gay parents?

There have been some laws being passed that ban adoption discrimination. While those laws still don’t affect every state, it is a step forward. More states need to ban adoption discrimination until it is no longer a problem in this world. In the future I think people will look back on this time and be shocked that some major common things were illegal to gay people, just like how in our time we look back in shock at the fact that slavery existed, or how more recently, bi-racial marriage was illegal. Until then we have to fight with the restrictions to make the changes people deserve.

Featured Image: Microsoft Clip Art Image used by permission according to license.


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