TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Craze of Election Day

Election day has to be one of the craziest days out of the whole year. Although the presidential election only comes around every four years, it can seem like a whole lot sooner for some. For the people that love elections and voting, the election process can be a joy. But for the other people, that see there vote as pointless, the election can be a huge drag.

As for a minor, who cannot vote, election day is just another day. But unlike many teenagers, I love politics and enjoying hearing and reading news about the current election. Most teenagers that do have the ability to vote do not. It is sad to me that we have had a lot of people whom have fought for our rights to vote. We have made it so that any citizen of the United States of America has the right to vote. We should all take advantage of our voices being able to be heard.

Facebook has been covered with election post all month. Either people supporting a certain candidate or people posting their feelings about how elections are stupid and they cannot wait until it is over. Trust me, that is about all I have seen on Facebook lately. The sad thing is that some of these posts are coming from adults.

It is a little bit crazy to me that a lot of people are not being thankful for all the people that have fought so hard for fair voting. I think people need to take that into account a little bit more. With Thanksgiving so close, you think people would think about all the things they are thankful for, and this should be one of them. So let us all stand for being thankful for our freedom for voting.


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