TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


As I sit here, forced to write this college essay for my English class, I have come to term with the fact that the time has finally arrived. Time for me to start hiding from the future and move on from the past. Time for me to leave my place of comfort; my safe haven. Time for me to apply to college.

When I was younger, I never really thought much of the future. I always thought: “The future won’t be for a long time; there’s no need to worry about it now”. Whenever someone brought up the subject of ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ or ‘Where do you see yourself in ten years?’, I always shut down or move on to a different topic. When I got to high-school, it got even worse. Even more people were asking me these types of questions, and the more they asked, the more I wanted to run back into the past. To just forget about the future and run away from it. I wasn’t ready to face it; I wasn’t ready to move on. But now, I believe I am.

Over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed a few changes inside of me. When returning to school for Senior year, I felt more mature; more complex. I felt as if I was an adult; as if I’ve been one for a long time and it didn’t scare me. Even now, sitting here typing this essay, I feel as if I’ve grown into someone completely different. Once I was over this initial shock of transformation, I was calmer and ready to face the world. That is, until it came to choosing a college. I had finally chosen what I wanted to do, go into Pre-med and one day become a Doctor, but I found my self dragging my feet when it came to finding a college. Within the past couple of weeks, I have found one or two that I was interested in. But, yet again, I caught myself dragging my feet through the sands of Senior year and childhood; hoping for a root to catch my foot. Even though I am ready to move on and begin a new chapter in my life, a little piece of me wants to stay where I am. To never leave and to live in the past. A little piece of me, wants to run.


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