TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Teen's Today

Today in our society, we expect so much less from teens but so much more at the same time. Back then, teens were expected to go home, help around the house, help the younger siblings, do chores, help cook dinner, do their homework and it was very family orientated. Now, some teens rarely see their family once a week. For instance, I am one of them. I go to school, go straight to work, come home, do hours of homework on end and by the time I am done all of this, both my parents are in bed along with my brother, leaving no family time. It’s hard for families nowadays to do anything together because we are all on opposite schedules.

The older generation expects a lot out of our teens today. They expect us to keep a decent job, to help pay for things around the house, pay for the car we use, pay for insurance, and gas I must mention, and all at the same, be going to school everyday, taking the maximum amount of classes, and getting straight A’s. Plus, on top of all this, most teens enjoy playing sports or after school activities.

All of this, is nearly impossible for a teenager to do without breaking down. Teenagers always want to be able to hangout with their friends as well, but with the crazy schedules we have, leaves absolutely no time. Teenagers today are expected to learn how to balance school, work, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, family time, and whatever else that is going on in your life.

The way teenagers act today is tremendously different as well. We dress different, act different and even talk different all due to the way society has brought us up. The way the social media projects information and presents ideas to our teens today, is horrific. We learned that ‘yolo’ is acceptable in the every day language, and wearing less and less clothing is ‘sexier’ and that the smaller the waist, the better the person. This is all crazy to think that we, ourselves, have brought up our teenagers to act today. This puts a strain on the teenagers stress. We all strive to be better people, and to be accepted at school as the ‘popular kids’. We try to loose weight, to be smaller and be socially acceptable by society. This is unbelievable to think this is the way our teenagers have transformed today, but it’s true. Teens are trying to do so much at one time in their life, to be accepted, and so fourth.

Teens go through a lot in the teenage years. From the changes we face, moving up in school, and everything else. Did I mention the distractions we have to deal with? The drama, the technology; facebook, twitter, instagram, and whatever other social networking sites there are. In high school is when teen’s learn the most. We learn how to drive, we learn how to pay for things of our own, we learn that friends come and go, and we learn that our future can only depend on ourselves. Teens nowadays, need to learn how to balance a steady and healthy lifestyle. It does also help to have the support of other family members, friends, and other close relatives. With the help of others to get you through the teenage years, will reduce stress and relieve a lot of pain that may be happening.

Featured Image: “Miss Teenager 2011” by jgoge at flickr


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