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Disc Golf: What it is and how to play

The sport of Disc Golf is easy to learn but can be difficult to master. There are many different techniques that can be utilized to play the game. To understand these techniques one must first understand the rules of the game. Disc Golf, as the name implies is golf but modified to accommodate disc play. Note, Disc are not the same as frisbees those who call is frisbee golf like there is not a difference are clearly mistaken. The rules are the same as golf where a certain number of shots, or throws in Disc Golf’s case, to make par, or better yet a birdie or hole in one if skilled enough. A hole is replaced by a basket that the disc must be shot into in order to complete the hole (it is still called a hole even if it should be called a basket). As per the rules of golf the lowest scoring player wins the round at the end of the course.

The game can be played in three ways depending on the player. The first is power, the players who use this play strategy will try to throw the disc as far as possible to reach the end of the hole in as few shots as possible so they can focus on there weakest part of their game, putting. The second type is the precision player, they are best in a wooded and preferably curved hole. They get a considerable advantage over power players anytime the hole is narrow, filled with obstacles (such as trees), or heavily curved. This is because the power player gives up aim to shot farther, while the precision player gives up long drives for greater aim. Therefore in an open field hole power players have the edge. However, the precision player has the added bonus of getting the benefits of the third type of player. The third type of player is the short play player. This player will focus on putting more than any other aspect of the game. This type of player has neither power or precision and only has the advantage on short, open holes, or they have to play with people who also cannot play as well. However, while the short play player is the most disadvantaged the precision players have the putting ability of the short play players, but can still make it to the basket easily.

There are special techniques that can be utilized by each play type. The power thrower will use a back arm throw, which gives them more power for the shot. The best way to describe this throw is that it is thrown similarly to how someone playing with the frisbee might throw it in their backyard, but with a lot more power and with a disc that is specially designed for the shot being made. Every player adds their own special addition to the shot, some give up a little power for improved accuracy to counter a precision player. Some add things to give them the most distance possible, which usually results in little to no accuracy (this is my play style). The precision player uses the forearm throw. The forearm throw is kind of an inverted back arm throw and requires more finesse and wrist work than the back arm does, this results in severely limited power but on a heavily wooded or obstacle filled course the throw will guaranty victory for a precision player over a power player. The short range player has two throws the pizza pie and the tomahawk throw, however one is more commonly used by short range players than the other. The pizza pie is more commonly used because it is a putting throw. This throw has the player hold the disc with four fingers spread out on the inside lip of the disc, with the being on the out side edge of the disc closest to the player. The throw requires the player to push the disc forward with his four fingers whilst putting spin on the disc with his thumb. The other shot is actually not a putting throw but is mostly used by short range players to make up for the fact that they cannot throw the forearm or back arm well. The tomahawk is the hardest Disc Golf throw to learn and master. To properly execute it the player must hold the disc above the head vertically and toss it. If done right at the hight of the thrown the disc will straighten out and fly forward for a bit before going back to it’s vertical position. At which point the disc will land and can either bounce or roll this can lead to disastrous results for the thrower because it is unpredictable where it will end up. Disc Golf is a great game and is fun to play. There is not one best way to play it because every type has it’s own disadvantages.

Featured Image: “golf target 18” by Matt Peckham at WikimediaCommons


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