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Five Steps to Building your Resume NOW

The future is often daunting to think about. Between financial woes and professional desires, the future can imaginably be demanding when it becomes the present. It is important to prepare for this to lessen the stress to come when beginning a career. To ease the process, follow these easy tips to get a jump-start on forming an impressive resume:

  1. PHILANTHROPY: Don’t wait to be offered volunteer work. Seek it out! It may be a step out of your comfort zone, but the benefits outweigh the costs. Not only will you look like a well-rounded citizen, but you’ll be helping others. The more time spent aiding non-profits, the more the experiences will positively set you apart from many other candidates.
  2. INTERN AND JOB SHADOW: This is the prime ageto be taking advantage of unpaid internships and job shadowing. The option of doing this diminishes with age, as one cannot often afford an unpaid position. Such participation will give you a early start on racking up experience. Non-paid internships with a reputable company will often be more impressive than a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant.
  3. GET CERTIFIED: Depending on the career you plan topursue, it may be wise to consider certifications that would boost your resume. Those looking into accounting or office positions have the option of getting certified in different electronic programs, like Microsoft Excel. If one is planning on going into the medical field, you can become a certified EMT. A future teacher could look into getting CPR certification. Certifications can cost money, but they can be the background information that appeals to employers.
  4. LOOK FOR RELEVANCE: Ultimately, any job experience is better than no job experience. Although, if an opportunity presents itself in the field you expect to have a career in, it’s beneficial to take advantage of it. A job as a fry-cook at a local restaurant will look more appealing than a retail clerk if planning to have a career in the culinary industry.
  5. START NOW: It is never too early to begin strengthening your resume. Seeking out opportunities and taking advantage of those presented is important to reach the position you dream of being in. Having as many experiences as early as you can, only increases your image and credentials.

Utilizing these tips will provide you with an impressive resume that is sure to impress an employer. Nobody is “too young” to begin preparing for their future career. Age is not a limitation; it is an advantage.

Featured Image: Microsoft Clip Art Image used by permission according to license.


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