TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

10 Tips to Help Senioritis


When you hit senior year of high school, you feel good, and are inspired to make your last year a good one. This feeling, unfortunately, does not last very long. The inevitable truth of being a senior is that you will get the feelings that your almost done with high school, so you become unmotivated in doing anything related to school. There is no way to escape these feelings, but there are some ways to help make these feelings more bearable, and even more important, help get that grades you need your classes.


1.) Don’t fall behind.

The worst thing that you can do when you are a senior is fall behind on your school work. When you fall behind, it is going to snowball quickly into a pile which will take hours of your time to get caught back up on. The second you don’t do that day of homework, your going to get more homework to pile on top of that pile that you haven’t done yet. At this point, you will get discouraged because of the sheer amount of homework that hasn’t been done, and then that homework will be put off even longer because of the homework depression that will inevitably happen, and pretty soon, your room will start to look like Mrs. Leblancs’ classroom.


2.)Set goals

Setting goals is one of the best ways to help. Have a calendar set up with due dates of papers, and even set up dates that you want to do parts of projects by. By keeping a timeline of when things are due, you can keep yourself organized and look to see what needs to be done, and whenever a free night of no homework comes along, take the opportunity to get ahead of the game and prevent some future stress in your life.


  1. Make a check list.

Like the calendar, a checklist is something that can be used to keep everything organized. Before you start to do your homework for the day, take a second and write down all of the homework that needs to be done, and then number it from most important to least important. This will keep your mind on task and transitions between assignments will be seamless and the  the productivity will stay at maximum level. This method is proven effective by slightly trained students, and they had to say “The best part is when you get the satisfaction of crossing off the  assignments that we spent hours working on”. This may seem strange, but you will not understand the excitement unless you yourself try this method.


4.)Make a study group

The worst part of doing homework is that you are alone, sitting at a desk in the dark corner of your room, while all of your friends are out having fun without you. It may seem like a bad idea, but with all of your friends around, everybody can help each other, and nobody will be regretting hanging out because of homework. Instead, you can have fun with friends, be productive, and have the occasional moment randomness when everybody gets off topic for a while.


5.) Make yourself rewards

Have a favorite food? Been wanting to play that new video game? Need your daily fix of reddit? Instead of doing these things before your homework, make them a reward for completing your homework. If you attempt to do something fun before your homework, you will just tell yourself that you will only do in for an hour, and 3 hours later you will still be doing it and give up on ever doing homework that day. It can also be a form of motivation, because it is hard to do work when you have little motivation, so making up some yourself could make it easier. It will also give great satisfaction when you get your reward, and you will be able to do it without the little voice in the back of your head telling you that you need to go do work.


6.)Take a walk

Having trouble thinking of anything new to write on that english paper? Take a walk. It is something you can do for yourself that will help the blood flow to your brain, and will not be too much of a distraction from your homework. While you are walking, it is likely that you will get random bursts of inspiration, so taking a notepad, or just taking a mental note of what inspired you is a good idea. Another good benefit to this is that it is healthy, and will help burn off some of those calories from the reward you gave yourself. As a side note, taking a walk before something like the SATs is proven to help you obtain a better score, and help with the test jitters most people get.

7.) Go to school

If you don’t go to school, then it will be harder for you to understand material for the work you’ll have to do in class. You will also have to take the time at some point to track down your teachers to ask them for any work you missed and need to make up. Because you miss class time, math in particular, work will be hard for a while because of the concepts you will miss. This can also translate into a bad test grade down the road if the time is not taken to learn what was missed.

8.)Take a day off.

I don’t mean from school, that would just make it harder in the long run. If your like me, then you have absolutely no time to yourself anymore. Just taking a day for yourself, turning off your phone, and doing what you want to all day could do you good. The only thing that I would suggest about this one is to try to do this on a weekend when you don’t have a lot of homework, because it would be easy to fall behind if you decide to do it when you have a heavy work load.

9.)Don’t give up

Giving up is just taking the easy way out. In life, the easy way out will usually get you nowhere. If you are already behind, or get behind, then don’t give up on getting caught up. The moment when you finally get caught up will be filled with so much self satisfaction that it was almost worth the few nights of sleep you lost. Wether your a couple essays behind, or a couple classes behind, then just chug through them, and use some of the things on this list to be able to get caught back up, and learn from your mistake.



Senioritis is not something you can escape completely, in fact, it is an inevitable truth for anybody coming into their senior year. You can say it won’t happen to you, but chances are that it will even if you don’t want to admit it. One thing to remember, though, is to have fun during your senior year, and find little things that will keep you motivated and focused throughout the year. Just one, or a combination of the things on this list can easily help, and keep the senioritis in check. This is your last year of high school, so don’t let this disease take you over, and leave with a bad impression, because if you do, then it will likely be the last thing that any of the fiends and teachers you had remember about you.

Featured Image: Studying by Sculi3asteveo @ Flickr


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