TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Money Isn't Everything

A couple years ago when some friends and I went to the fair, we went on rides until we had no money in our pockets. At first, we were bummed, bored, and on top of that, it began to rain like cats and dogs; but even then, the last thing we all wanted to do was to go home. We were already wet from the rain, so instead we made the best out of the situation. The moment we ran out of money and it began to rain, it was that moment at the fair that most of us could say was the best part of the whole night. We were all soaked and wet, laughing, and dancing away to a Christian rock band. The moral of the story is money isn’t everything. All it takes is being with family and friends you love, having an open mindset, and having the right attitude to make the best out of any situation.

It isn’t important to be the kid that can’t afford to have all the nice clothes nor the four different pairs of Nikes; to be the kid who is lucky to even get one outfit for the first day of school of every new school year; to be the kid that only has enough money to get by benefits in the long run. Although having money and a nice pair of Nikes is nice, it shouldn’t be how we value and define who people are. Not having money like all the other kids makes one value the smaller things in life, and appreciate everything one receives.

 It’s the mental attitude, hard work, and motivation to learn that is going to get someone to where they want to be, no matter his or her monetary status.

America has become so absorbed in material things that many young people and adults forget to enjoy the little things, and to feel happiness from things that cannot be bought in a store. Kids who cannot afford to be materialistic get the chance to appreciate the little things they get, rather than just taking it all for granted. It is the kids who have everything handed to them and receive the best of the best that let the materials define who they are and don’t see what it is like to feel happiness without spending a dime. The snobby rich kids have no true friends nor relationships because they are absorbed in their possessions, and believe possessions are what brings love and happiness. They may have 6 different pairs of Nikes, brand name clothes, and a brand new car, but remember they are the truly unfortunate ones. Be proud in knowing that you don’t need a brand new car to bring you true happiness.

Another thing, one should never think that because they don’t have the extra money that they cannot do the things any other person can do. Evidently, one may not be able to have the brand name clothes and “best of the best” , but it is important to remember that it is not the material things that are going to help one find success. No college application or job application asks if you wear brand name clothes like Polo Ralph Lauren. It’s about what someone can offer with their abilities and skills. By taking any opportunity to learn more, and to work hard  anybody can become as successful as any other “rich” kid. It is just about how much somebody wants it and how hard they work for it. It’s the mental attitude, hard work, and motivation to learn that is going to get someone to where they want to be, no matter his or her monetary status.

Featured Image: “Money” by Images Money


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  • sbarbay14
    April 2, 2014 at 10:20 am 

    As generations are changing, money seems to be becoming everything; new clothes, the latest i-phone, and the shiniest car. Why can American’s not be happy with what we have? Family and friends should easily be the most important thing in life; we need to start appreciating what we already have instead of crying about what we don’t. It’s no longer “nice new pair of shoes!” its now “nice pair of shoes!” while secretly thinking “why can’t I have those?” Advertisements, point saver cards, and the newest promotions all encourage people to spend their money on worthless junk. Companies are constantly trying to get customers to sign up for their newest card that will provide the customer with “special offers”. These are all just sale tactics that encourage the passion for money that is growing in America.

  • ADunn14
    April 4, 2014 at 9:54 am 

    I really like this. We are becoming way too materialistic. It is nice that someone has brought it up! People are becoming more and more obsessed with money that they really do forget about what they already have and forget to enjoy life. I feel as if people need to stop and remind themselves what is really important. Becoming too consumed will push others away and just cause more greed. I know we all like the idea of having name brand, but that is not what is important. I personally prefer the cheaper stuff because I find them to work better for me!!

  • lvieira14
    May 6, 2014 at 10:20 pm 

    Couldn’t agree more. Money is just paper, which is just cut up trees. Yes, it’s needed in the world to survive but it is not needed to live. Living your life and surviving are two totally different things. To survive you need the basics; food, shelter and water. Those things require a little bit of money. To live all you need is to be happy; to be happy all you need is amazing people in your life. What this generation does not get is that money is not just handed to you, it is earned. Maybe mommy and daddy buy you things now, but one day that will stop. Money is something people need to work hard for. Money does not make people happy, and if it does.. they need to reevaluate their life. It’s a great feeling to have money, and it’s an even better feeling when you know your hard work and determination gave you that money. This generation needs to realize that happiness is not a dollar bill, or a money sign. It is simply being with the people who you love and who love you in return. Well done(:

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