TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


As senior year starts, students will begin having a lot of firsts and lasts. Smiles of joy, fits of anger from stress, and tears of joy and sadness. It starts with the last first day of high school ever. Those last first day pictures that a mother always makes their child take. Last school pictures, that a student could care less about, and will do whatever they want in them. For those that play sports, it will start the last sports pictures, unless they pursue college sports. Then for those poor seniors that are still stuck taking the bus, it could be their last first bus ride ever. Which in most cases would make that student super happy.

For those that play sports, it will be their last high school year. Take every practice, every strain, and every game as if it was their last. The blood, sweat, and tears that are shared on the field or court. Those memories that they will cherish with friends for the rest of their lives. As seniors, we have lost games, won games, had senior games, and last first game of whatever sports that student plays. Time to prepare for those moments is limited, but we all go through them. The last game of any sport is tough, whether a senior or not. A player leaves it on the field, knowing it may be their last. It may be the last season to put everything into it, because it may be the last time ever.

Senior year starts and ends in the blink of an eye. Taking those last first day pictures, that last game, and lastly, walking down the aisle to get your diploma. In 190 days, as seniors of Oak Hill High School, students will be walking down that aisle, to be set off to the future. Learning the way on our own, with the occasional help from ex-teachers and parents. From firsts to last, to starting to ending. Senior year is about growth and change, and most of the times for the better.


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  • Aritcheson14
    April 6, 2014 at 12:51 pm 

    Senior year is so bitter sweet, its so exciting to know this is our last year of high school and to look forward to everything ahead of us after high school, such as college, but its also so sad because most of these people we’ll never see again, the comfort of our small school will be gone and life as we know it will completely change, defiantly exciting but scary!

  • mnemeth14
    June 2, 2014 at 1:37 pm 

    Senioritis has been the biggest eye opener for since I fought in ‘nam. Never ever again will I procrastinate. I say this, but it will more than likely probably happen again. Who knows? I hear almost everyone smartens up for college. I hope that’s the case with me.

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