TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Question is also the Answer

The biggest question someone asked themselves before doing anything is “what if?”. What if this could happen, or that could happen? What if the worst thing possible occurs? Or what if the best thing ever appears? It can mean anything, and determine anything. It can be the master of all fears; the biggest question of them all. It just so happens to be the answer to all questions.

On a daily basis, there are people who question every little thing they do. Should I go to the bathroom right now or later? Is this a good idea or not? Did I shut off the lights upstairs? The answer may be very simple but then, there are those who rephrase everything with “what if”. What if I don’t go to the bathroom right now? What if this is not a good idea? What if I did not turn off the lights? These turn into those dying questions that come up with an endless amount of possibilities. If I don’t go to the bathroom right now, I could get a bladder infection which can cause death. If this is not a good idea, I could end up in trouble, or in jail, or dead. If I did not turn off the lights, I could create a huge electricity bill, never be able to pay it off and die as a result of homelessness. It’s a question that can also be the answer.

Ever heard that after someone dies, they’re brain is still living for the next 7 to 10 minutes? It’s said that in those 7 to 10 minutes, everything that ever happened in that person’s life is relived. So think about this, what if everything going on in life right now is just a memory? What if life as we know it already happened, and we’re already dead?

It’s a matter of life or death. Always wondering, what if?

What if what feels like hours, days, weeks, months and years is really all happening in 7 to 10 minutes while the brain dies off? It’s mind blowing, actually. To think that right now, we could be in a memory. Nobody for sure knows, it’s possible that everything has already happened and really we’re all dead. But it’s also possible that we’re very much alive, and our brains are so active we think of every “what if” that could ever be. What if this is just a figment of my imagination? What if this really is the silly life I live? Nobody can really answer this honestly, because nobody truly knows the answer to a “what if” question. It is it’s own answer or it’s simply, unanswerable.


Featured Image: “Footsteps” by Davide Mancini (SheaAk) @ flickr 



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  • Hkrook14
    April 25, 2014 at 12:45 pm 

    I absolutely loved this piece of writing. I catch myself always second guessing myself and commonly saying “what if that happened” which I try to catch myself and stop because I don’t want to live with “what ifs”. The part where you refer to our brain just dying of in a prolonged 7 minutes that is actually a lifetime for us made me really think. “What ifs” get us caught up in everyday life which is shown throughout your piece. Your piece of writing is really spectacular. I loved the read.

  • sestabrook14
    May 27, 2014 at 11:32 am 

    I love this piece because I am constantly second guessing myself and saying “what if?”. This piece really got my attention. You did and excellent job and chose a great topic!

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