TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is This A Dream?

Have you ever thought that maybe your whole life was someone’s dream? When we wake up in the morning is when our creator is laying down for bed, and when they wake up we are falling asleep. If you think about it too much you could start believing it.

What if we are just apart of someones dream? What do we do when they are done dreaming of us? Is that when we die? It is weird to think about, but it can also be fun. Just think you are the main character in someone’s dream, you run the place.  You don’t want to think about it too much though, you may let it get to your head. If you overthink it, you may start to believe you can do whatever you want, because, well why not, it’s just a dream. Right? Wrong. Dream or real life you still have to follow the rules, if you don’t you could be in some serious trouble.

Wrapping your head around this scenario is pretty hard. When you think about it too much, you really start to wonder, could my whole life just be a dream?  Try not to think about it too much, I don’t want you to go crazy. Your life is not a dream, don’t worry, this was just to get you to start thinking.


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  • Hkrook14
    February 25, 2014 at 11:46 am 

    T, thinking about the concept if we are dreaming our whole life is really abstract. You did a really good job getting me to think about the whole concept but maybe add an example of a dream that you thought was real. Overall good job.

  • KGayton14
    April 3, 2014 at 6:28 pm 

    I found this to be very interesting! You pose many important questions and valid points. How can we be sure that we aren’t just a part of some unknown entity’s dream? We can’t, and you’re right, a person can’t think about it too long or they start to believe it. Very thought-provoking and cool! Well written as well! Good job, I enjoyed reading it!

  • darsenault14
    April 4, 2014 at 11:52 pm 

    This was extremely interesting. I’ve alway thought that maybe there is a possibility that I’m still an infant, and I’ve just been put down to rest, and I haven’t woken up yet, but you have a totally different view on our lives, and it was really intriguing to see someone else’s point of view on what could actually possibly be happening!

  • kcollins14
    May 10, 2014 at 8:54 pm 

    Wow! This was really cool and a great way to get people thinking. I can’t imaging thinking about this. I think dreams are and can be extremely weird so mixing that with real life is extreme. I think that dreams can do crazy thing to someones mind. Having dreaming and living in a comparison is crazy to think about. Well said! Nice Job!!

  • dpalange14
    May 12, 2014 at 6:38 am 

    This piece is very interesting, it gets your mind going sort of like thinking about what if there was nothing in the universe and it was just blank. Dreams can be interesting and the whole thought of life is a dream adds another layer of mystery to them and the potential of what dreams could be.

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