TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Perks Of Being Unique

I believe that being unique is one of the most important things in life. There are always new styles of clothing and styles of music coming out, and the reason most people aren’t unique is because they all follow the same trends.

I have personally always done my own thing ever since I was a young child, and I have always wanted to be my very own person. Being unique means that you  do what you want to do to a certain extent. You dress with your own style, you listen to your own styles of music, you read your own genre of book that you wish to read, etc. A huge part of uniqueness is that you do your own thing, without worrying about fitting in with any other group of people.

Being unique it has made me much more open-minded, which has opened up a very wide world. Being open-minded helps you see the world in a much more positive way, which allows you live a happier carefree life. Open-mindedness also taught me how to give everything / everyone in life a chance. Most people fear pitbulls because of their scary reputation, but I have 3 pitbulls myself. If I were to be close-minded because of the horror stories that are told, and because of their bad reputation, than I would have never been able to see how loving and caring pitbulls really are. By giving that dog breed its own chance to show me whether it was dangerous or not, I was able to see for myself how great of dogs they can be.

An aspect of my life that I have always been very unique with is the type of sports I have played. While many kids my age have played basketball, softball, soccer, and dance, I have done karate and brazilian jiu-jitsu. Not many girls partake in jiu jitsu or karate because of the physical contact that you make with other people in the sport. However, I decided to try it when I was 8 years old and I now have two black belts. Being unique taught me to step out of my comfort zone, and try things that other people many not always be willing to try.

I believe that being unique will always be a positive thing. It is easier to live a happy, carefree life when you do not worry about what other people think of you, and when you don’t worry about fitting in. Being unique may make you seem different from most people, but being different will never be a bad thing.

Featured Image: “Yellow Flower” by


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