TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Top 8 Things All Freshmen Should Be Told

Being a freshmen is not easy. You go from being at the top of the totem pole to the very bottom. Everything you have just gotten use to in middle school is all about to change. You are not alone in it though, all your classmates are feeling the same terrifying experience as you, but let me tell you it is not nearly as bad as you think it is going to be. High school is going to be an exciting, fun, new experience for you that will fly by! Hopefully these tips will help make your next four years just a little bit easier!

  1. GET INVOLVED! Getting involved is a huge part of high school and is something that everyone should do whether it is through joining a club, playing or sport, or doing drama. Being involved does not only look good when applying for college as well the fact that it helps you to meet new people and become more social.

  2. Don’t grow up too fast. I know you may think you are all adults and you are entitled to do whatever you please but you are all sadly mistaken. Enjoy the stage you are in, in this very moment of your life. Go to the movies and have sleepover with your friends rather than going to parties and getting drunk. Don’t rush away these times of friendship and fun you will graduate soon enough and your group of friends will slowly start to fade away.

  3. Your GPA is HUGE! In high school your GPA is used for many things from whether you get a tassel on your robe at graduation or whether you get into college. Your GPA is going to affect many things throughout your high school life. It will determine whether or not you can be a candidate for National Honors Society. Colleges will look at it and may or may not accept you if you have a low GPA. It will also determine whether you will graduate with a plain robe or a robe filled with tassels.

  4. Stand up for yourself and others. If you are being bullied or someone you know is take a stand and do something about it. Do not let anyone bring you down. And if you see them bringing someone else down do something about it. Just by simply giving them a compliment. Your compliment could very easily outweigh whatever hurtful thing that bully may have said to them before.

  5. Be your own person! High School is a time to express yourself and be who you want to be. Dress how you want, be friends with who you want, say what you want, and do what you want. Don’t let other people tell you it’s wrong. Do what makes you happy.

  6. Scholarships! This should be your main reason to try hard in school! If you get good grades, try hard in school, and get involved you are likely to get scholarships that will most likely save you thousands of dollars for college in your future.

  7. Get inspired and get motivated. The first step is to let yourself become inspired. The next step is to use that inspiration to achieve something incredible. If you hear a song on the radio and really want to learn how to play it then go out and teach yourself how to play. If you see a homeless man you feel sorry for go out and solve world hunger. Inspiration is the key to many peoples success as it allows you to set your mind to something and go after it.

  8. Make it count. High school goes by fast and each and every one of you should make it count. Although it may feel like it will go on forever let me tell you it doesn’t. So don’t sweat the small stuff and have fun. After all you’re only young once. Hangout with your friends, join a new club, get new friends, eat that extra donut, play a new sport, laugh and just enjoy. Don’t look back on graduation day saying I wish…

Enjoy these next few years and do not let a moment slip by you. It is going to go by fast and you have the power to make these next four years something to remember and create friendships that you will cherish for a lifetime. Don’t forget to, get involved, enjoy being a kid, keep your GPA up, stand up for yourself and others, be your own person, that scholarships are huge, get inspired and get motivated, and last but not least MAKE IT COUNT! Hopefully you all have the best possible high school experience and these 8 steps will make life just a little bit easier for in your high school career!


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  • mwood14
    April 2, 2014 at 7:21 am 

    I really wish that I had these tips when I was a freshman or that they had explained why they were so important a little bit more. If I were to give advice to freshman this is pretty much what I would say too!

  • mparkerbair14
    April 2, 2014 at 6:00 pm 

    These some great ideas that I would’ve loved to hear as a freshman! Everyone needs to realize just how fast everything passes by, we need to take in every moment!

  • jholland14
    April 3, 2014 at 9:30 am 

    I agree 100% with these tips! It definitely would have been nice to have these as I was an incoming freshmen. Four years later, I would still say the same thing to the freshman. One thing I have learned throughout my high school experience is that you can’t let procrastination get the best of you. Stay focused and stay on task and high school will be a breeze. Great article!

  • kalbert14
    April 3, 2014 at 7:46 pm 

    Going into my freshmen year i wish i had known some of these things, coming from different schools then most of your peers your experiencing a bunch of new things including people! I would have been great and some of these tips and idea’s are great for freshmen and should absolutely be known about. Four years later i would still say the same to each and every freshmen you learn so much from freshman to senior year.. you grow up, your changing minds about what you wanna do in the future! Never let procrastination get in the way like it did me, stay focused and pay attention.. Time flies.

  • scarpenter14
    April 3, 2014 at 9:32 pm 

    Freshmen year was awful and I wish I had these facts then, they really could have helped. At the same time though, the way under class man act is completely different from when I was a freshman. So who knows if these would help them, but I know that they would have helped me!

  • Aritcheson14
    April 6, 2014 at 12:45 pm 

    This is so true, as the time I thought freshmen year was the worst thing but looking back now it was nothing compared to the last couple of years, I wish I would of known this stuff back then because it would of really improved my high school experience.

  • apriest14
    April 14, 2014 at 11:49 am 

    This is something I wish someone had thought about writing before I came here. This is so true and is important for people to read. I like how you said Your GPA is huge. I feel like alot of people don’t think it is so important there freshman year but it is.

  • apriest14
    April 14, 2014 at 11:51 am 

    I’m glad you thought about writing this as you paper because it is important for people to know this. I like how you said Your GPA is huge. I feel like alot of people don’t think it is so important there freshman year but it is.

  • Hkrook14
    April 25, 2014 at 1:10 pm 

    These tips are really good and not only freshman can gain from these tips but all underclassman can. I like how you gave examples on how to get involved and ways people get inspired. The tips are very important for all and fixing these tips a little they would even fit for new college students too.

  • broy14
    April 27, 2014 at 7:28 pm 

    I wish someone had told me these tips when I was a freshman, maybe I would of had a better high school experience. You’re right though, many people let high school just slip away from them. It goes fast, you better make the best of it. Good advice!

  • slocke14
    May 22, 2014 at 10:42 am 

    Really good topic to right about! I think that if more freshman understand and take some of these tips they will have a better and less stressful senior year!

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