TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Feel The Swell

Get pumped, get amped, get fueled, feel the muscles get swollen. Working out has many different benefits, one major one is curing depression. Many people I know are depressed, or commonly upset. One thing I recommend to many of them is working out. Working out is a great way to relieve stress and get out some built up anger. Take it out on the weights not yourself. Gym memberships are not outrageously expensive also there is one right here at Oak Hill. I believe it is not only important to workout for getting rid of stress, but also to stay healthy. Working out is a great part of a daily lifestyle habit. Everyone should include at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

Do you ever wonder how it makes you healthier? Working out makes you healthier in many different ways. It can be emotional and physical health. For the emotional part it helps you be less depressed and it can also strengthen your brain. Working out forces the mind to be more focused in classes and when performing specific tasks. It also has been proven to help you increase scores on tests and quizzes. The way it helps physically is by helping you lose weight. Working out burns all the excess calories your body has, and/or turns that fat into muscle. Also working out can improve your heart and decrease the chance for many different cancers and diseases. Working out is a great way to improve your health both mentally and physically.

Have you ever heard of antidepressants? Have you ever realized the price of them? They are quite expensive, and sometimes they don’t work. Instead of spending money on those, why not get a membership at the local gym? Not only will it help your depression but it will also keep your weight down. Working out clears the mind. Anything that is making you depressed is now released once you lift the first weight. You take all your anger out at the gym, and will benefit more than you think. Your mind is telling you that you are getting less depressed, but you are also burning calories, getting in shape, decreasing risks for cancer and much more. Working out is a perfect way to decrease stress levels, and over time increase confidence levels.

Working out is a great thing that should be involved in your everyday lifestyle. It should be performed for at least 30 minutes and 6 out of the 7 days in a week. Having one day for rest can be necessary depending on the intensity. Working out lowers stress and depression. It also lowers the risk for heart cancer, and many others. With all those benefits, your brain is also functioning better and you are shredding the calories down. Don’t starve yourself, eat right and workout. Overall my recommendation, is that everyone needs a good workout.


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1 Comment

  • cstevens14
    April 3, 2014 at 6:48 pm 

    I really liked the informativeness of your piece and how passionate you are about working out. The only thing that kind of bother me about your piece was that it was a little repetitive and made me search for more. I got from your piece that working out decreases depression and your weight but what else. Elaborate more on the what diseases it prevents or the struggle of getting into good workout habits. Something to think about.

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