TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Why Do People Complain?

Don’t you just hate when people complain all the time? When one little dust particle is off, they freak right out. Irony aside, this is a serious issue with humans nowadays. What makes people so uptight and upset over the littlest things? Why do they find everything so wrong? My theory is: changes. Through close observation of one of the biggest complainers, I became very angry while watching. But I learned that if something is changed…they change. They become infuriated with the world and literally feel like the world did this because it hates them. When in reality, it’s the people of this world that hate them for whining so much.

Although, looking at it through the other perspective, maybe it wasn’t a little thing that happened. Maybe the movement of their water bottle of 2 inches was the worst thing to ever happen to them. Maybe it was such a drastic change, their entire day is off course. That’s clearly their problem. They need to adapt to change, and not be so uptight.

I find that the biggest problem these days is that people do not like change. Change is good, guys. If you spend your life doing the same thing, expecting the same result, you’re setting yourself up for not only failure and disappointment, but for a constant loop every day. Waking up and doing the same thing for a couple days is alright, but when you make a lifestyle out of it, that’s pushing it. These whiny people need to take risks, make changes, and adapt to these changes. Perhaps if the world used the energy that they use to complain, to actually adapt to the change, maybe they would be happier. And them being happy and not complaining makes me happy.

But if complaining and making everyone mad makes them happy, then they are jerks and I want nothing to do with them. This is a very difficult topic to write about without being contradicting, but this is a serious issue. Either be happy, or get out. Move to an unhappy country, and not ruin ours. That’s a good idea…sending all of the complainers to a less fortunate country..get on it Obama.


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  • SFriend14
    April 2, 2014 at 3:21 pm 

    I hate change and I love to complain. Maybe thats my problem. Although I don’t complain about change or not that I know of. I liked your piece though. Does this mean you don’t like me since I complain?

  • kjones14
    April 3, 2014 at 10:46 am 

    I agree with this piece completely. Complaining will not help a person to excel in any way. The only thing that complaining does is waste your time and bother the people around you. Although change can be difficult at times, there are many other ways to handle the situation besides complaining and having a pity party for yourself.

  • cdaigle14
    April 3, 2014 at 10:54 am 

    I found this piece to be humorous and completely relevant. Although change can be a scary thing, I agree that it is necessary in our lives. It is just difficult for some people to accept, but they should definitely try harder to. Complaining will not solve any of their problems.

  • KGayton14
    April 3, 2014 at 6:17 pm 

    Very insightful and thought-provoking, T! I sometimes am I culprit of complaining and getting caught up in my everyday routine causing me to dislike change but you’ve given me a different perspective on things and helped remind me what’s important and that taking risks is a healthy part of life. Thanks for the insight! Very well written! I love the voice in this piece as well!

  • kcollins14
    April 3, 2014 at 6:34 pm 

    I know so many people who are like that (myself included sometimes). Sometimes it just takes nothing for someone to explode or react in a unnecessary way. Sometimes this just can be a reflection of their mood and not what the actually feel like.

  • dwoodard14
    April 3, 2014 at 9:00 pm 

    I liked how in the piece you wrote about how it is hard to not contradict yourself, because as I was reading i was thinking you did a great job in not doing it. I liked the topic, it really made me think about all of the complaints I hear in a single day.

  • scarpenter14
    April 3, 2014 at 9:29 pm 

    Oh I feel like I know what you are talking about it, me being a mega complainer myself. I feel that you also understand how it is to be one. You took this from an area of a certain kind of person and told us a way to maybe change it and move on with our complaining self. Good Job! 🙂

  • bayres14
    April 4, 2014 at 9:26 am 

    Some day I have a tendency to complain without even noticing myself complaining, but get irritated when others complain all the time. But I actually really like change, and would much rather to mix things up instead of doing the same thing every day. I thought you did a really great job writing this!

  • kspencer14
    April 15, 2014 at 7:57 pm 

    I can relate to your thinking in this post. It seems that now-ah-days all people want to do is complain. They take something little, like you said moving a water bottle two inches, and they blow it up to make it a big deal. Some people just don’t understand that complaining does not solve anything, just makes things worse. Also I feel that if people are not complaining they are starting drama. That is another thing I can not stand & I feel that many people agree with me on that one.

  • dpalange14
    May 12, 2014 at 6:42 am 

    I don’t see myself as a complainer, I mostly just don’t say anything when I dislike something enough to complain about it. Another theory of why people complain could be that they want attention. The people that complain a lot always get attention from others while complaining. Over all the piece is very good and informative about all the complainers out there.

  • radams14
    May 30, 2014 at 11:27 pm 

    This is a great theory! Most people never like to leave their comfort zones, and therefore fear any tiny change. Perhaps this is a product of our modern lifestyle. People have become so comfortable they overlook how much they already have going for them. It could almost be compared to a celebrity freaking out when they don’t get exactly what they want. I think that this is responsible for a large amount of the complaining we’re exposed to from day to day, but I think there is another reason that is equally to blame.
    Complaining is easy to do. If we’re out of things to say, or are just having a casual conversation, sometimes we switch to complaint mode. Other than the fact that complaints are unbearably negative, they are great conversation pieces. Everyone is faced with problems, often times the the same problems as people around them. This makes complaining incredibly easy to think of and very relatable. I believe that complaints are only ever used, when people are talking, rather than saying anything.

  • mnemeth14
    June 2, 2014 at 8:50 am 

    I find complaining to be quite interesting. Certain people just think they should get whatever they want and point fingers at other people simply doing their responsibilities. Others just like to say over and over about how they just do not want to do something they do not like to do.

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