TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Sparkling Water Vs Soda

Since I can remember, doctors and parents have always tried to raise awareness to kids that drinking soda is bad for you. Drink water to hydrate you and milk to grow strong and healthy bones. If we ever wanted a sweet drink, it was always juice. Never and soda or power drinks. Dentists would also tell us that soda was loaded with sugar and would be extremely bad for our teeth. The sugar from soda as well as other bad ingredients, can take the tooth enamel off of your teeth and once the enamel is gone you can’t build that back. It also causes sensitivity in some peoples teeth.

Growing up I have always loves the taste and texture of soda. One of my favorite childhood memories was my mother handing me my first cup of root beer. Sitting in an old lawn chair, I watched the tall red cup as the fizzing bubbles slowly subsided. Then I watched as all the tiny bubbling emerging from the bottom of the cup slowly rose to the top. I can remember the feeling I had once that red cup touched my lips. My eyes grew three sizes as I swallowed my first sip. I smiled at her. My smile stretched from one ear to the other. Nothing could have excited me more.

Many years have past and I have grown into a young athlete. Growing up with that lifelong love for soda had to change. By drinking soda, I found that my energy level decreased drastically. I decided to cut soda from my diet cold turkey. This worked for a while. I found energy again and I was back to normal but things just didn’t seem right. I had major soda cravings.

One day while grocery shopping with my mother, I discovered sparkling water. Sparkling water has a clean nutrition label. It has a similar nutrition label to water. The only added ingredient is natural sugar which gives the flavors. Sparkling water has the same consistency as soda and the same kind of taste. Some of the natural flavorings in sparkling water make the water taste like soda. I chose to drink sparkling water instead of soda because it is healthier than soda.


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  • cstevens14
    April 3, 2014 at 6:17 pm 

    I really love the second paragraph where you talk growing up with soda in your life. You had a great sense of imagery there to the point where I could really picture a young version of you enjoying root beer out of a cup.

    I kind of wish there was more to this piece, the struggle of going cold turkey on soda and what you did to overcome cravings before the sparkling water. Describing what it felt like to crave soda.

    I also think you could write a piece just on sparkling water and how much better it is for you. Really make the reader want to change their soda drinking habits because it really isn’t good for you.

  • dwoodard14
    April 3, 2014 at 8:50 pm 

    I sometimes drink sparkling water too. Personally i like the lime flavored ones because they remind me of sprite. As an athlete I should probably cut soda too and start drinking sparkling water more often. I have just one question though, when you said you went a while with cutting out soda completely, did you give in at one point? And how long did it take before you were really feeling the temptations to go drink a soda?

  • ADunn14
    April 4, 2014 at 9:49 am 

    This is a great idea. I keep wanting to cut back on soda but I always crave it. This is a healthier alternative. Have those cravings died down after a while? Also, have you decided to cut back on the sparkling water at some point as well? I know that if I go a day without caffeine, I get massive headaches, any ideas how to get rid of that when you go cold turkey? Would you encourage others to use this alternative? I wish there was a little more info so I could have a better insight!!

  • ADunn14
    April 4, 2014 at 9:50 am 

    This is a great idea. I keep wanting to cut back on soda but I always crave it. This is a healthier alternative. Have those cravings died down after a while? Also, have you decided to cut back on the sparkling water at some point as well? I know that if I go a day without caffeine, I get massive headaches, any ideas how to get rid of that when you go cold turkey?

  • dgamage14
    May 4, 2014 at 8:13 pm 

    This is a very descriptive article. I like your use of vivid imagery in the second paragraph, it helps drive the story. It may be nice if you add to the last paragraph because their is a lot of background to the story but you introduce the main point of the article without explaining yourself fully. Overall it is a great article though.

  • tlagasse14
    May 8, 2014 at 11:22 am 

    Man, I love soda. But it is absolutely horrible for you. I have tried quitting soda as well, but I went back without even knowing it! I love this post because I can relate so well. We’re self aware of the bad things in soda, but it’s so amazing and you can’t get enough! The imagery in this post was very well done, and in general this was very well done! This may be the reason I quit soda…for now.

  • slocke14
    May 22, 2014 at 8:18 am 

    I loved reading your second paragraph about growing up! It was detailed and kept me interested. I agree that sparkling water taste just like soda. I try to cut back on soda because of how bad it really is for me and sparkling water is the way to go. It taste good and is overall healthier for you.

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