TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Back To The Bottom

It seems like just yesterday I was being “promoted” from the eighth grade, where I was at the top of the food chain. However, at the beginning of the next school year it was back down to the bottom, and by bottom, I really do mean the very bottom. The Freshmen were basically lower than the dirt that covers the floor of the lobby. The seniors were in charge and eye contact and conversation making was a definite on the ‘what not to do’ list.

Just like most of the others, I was an awkward Freshman when I  walked through the front doors of the high school for the first time. I remember being nervous, but excited for what my next four years would bring. I could not wait to see who I would meet and what I would do. I remember sitting in class wishing that I could be done with Freshmen year, wishing the time would go by quicker, and then I blinked. I am now on the last stretch of high school with graduation finally in my sights. With a month left of my high school career I find myself wondering where the time went. I would have never guessed that my time here would go by so fast and that all four of my years in this place would seem to have blurred together. It is just hard to believe that I will be closing this chapter of my life rather shortly, but with college around the corner, I could not be more excited. Just like the cycle before, I will go from the top, back down to the bottom as I once again claim the title of ‘Freshman.’

However, these four years will be different. I know now to really take the time to look around and enjoy the present, instead of constantly looking past it to see the future. Time is precious, and I want to enjoy as much of it as I can. I feel as if so many young people are just focused on moving on and getting out, that they jump right into adulthood. Time always goes by so fast on it’s own, it should not be rushed. Even though I could not be more excited to finish high school and move on to college, my goal is to try and enjoy these last few weeks of high school. After all, this is the youngest you will ever be again, so why not make the most of it?

Featured Image “Graduation” by Dovid @ Flickr


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  • aclifford14
    May 13, 2014 at 9:04 am 

    It’s crazy, just how quickly time has flown by! It seems like yesterday we met one another for the first time while running the 2 miles for preseason! The bottom of the food chain and now here we are seniors. I too, wished the time would speed up and I could be done with my freshmen year and now I completely take it back and wish I would have enjoyed every minute.

  • gpinard14
    May 22, 2014 at 8:10 am 

    I remember thinking the same thing, being lower than ever keeping your head down going through the hallways. Not talking to the seniors ever. For the most part high school has flown by and we are the top of the food chain but we will be back down this coming fall. Good luck(:

  • scrochere14
    May 23, 2014 at 9:34 pm 

    This is something that I have always thought to myself. School life is all about the ups and downs. We rise to the top and become the alpha’s and then suddenly we’re yesterday’s garbage. I guess that’s how we get use to the ups and downs of life. Good piece. 🙂

  • djamieson14
    May 24, 2014 at 10:10 am 

    A very great piece to read. It brings up the idea that we’re mostly now free to do what we want. To choose our education that we want and it seems if I blink one more time ill be a senior in college. Life is full of fascinating blinks that will change your life. Well done.

  • tfrechette14
    May 27, 2014 at 10:23 pm 

    This is something that every senior can relate to! High school went by so fast, at first that’s how we wanted it to go but know I’m starting to wish that that time would have slowed down. I took these past 4 year for granted and now they are gone just like that. Great piece!

  • ccunningham14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:02 am 

    I can relate to what you are talking about because coming into freshmen year i felt the same exact way. It felt horrible and i thought it was never going to end freshmen year was easy but hard at the same time. It feels like the past four years have flown by especially senior year. It’s as if i blinked and it was already over deadlines after deadlines work after work.

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