TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Prom Season

Stressing about finding a date, what to wear, location of pictures before, place of after-party, and money flying out the window. What does this romantic phenomenon sound like? That’s right, the over anticipated night of prom. Most high schools have their prom towards the end of the school year. This means that students are not only anxious for summer, but they are constantly thinking about the dance of the year when they are supposed to be focusing on finals. This struggle of academic focus is even greater for seniors due to most of their intense cases of “senioritis”.

Prom can be the best night of your life, or the worst, it all depends on how you go about it.

The process of attending prom usually starts with finding a date. This can be a very tricky thing to do if you do not already have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Lately, high schoolers have been winning over their crushes by asking them to prom with something called a “promposal”. A promposal is when someone asks another person to prom in a sweet, creative, or even humorous way. Most of the time, this style of asking someone to prom persuades them to say yes no matter what the circumstances are. This “go big or go home” attitude is contagious during prom season.

Once people make their date arrangements, it is time for the girl to purchase a dress, and the guy to rent a matching tuxedo. Although the color collaboration and the flashy clothes look superb, the price can sometimes be dangerously steep. It is a once, and sometimes twice in a lifetime experience that is hard to have a price limit on. Speaking from experience, looking sharp and feeling confident is worth the time and money of finding the right tuxedo, or for girls, a dress. Trust me when I say this, you get your money’s worth. Parents go crazy when they see their maturing children all dressed up. This excitement many times causes the picture taking session before prom just as long as the actual dance.

Finally, when all the anticipation is over with and it is the night of the prom, all of the craziness seems worthwhile. Enjoying the prom with your friends and hopefully wonderful date makes you want to be young forever. You know when your experience of prom is successful when you don’t want it to end. That feeling is the goal for most people. That is why they go through so much trouble planning, analyzing, and anticipating every aspect of prom night.

For first time prom goers, the key to a great night is to not stress out about little details, have as much fun with your friends as possible, and most importantly, be safe. There are many temptations that go along with prom that should be avoided. Prom night is supposed to be an amazing night filled with dancing, laughing, and making memories. I can guarantee you that prom is more fun when you attempt to have innocent and harmless fun with your peers.

Prom season is a very unique time of the year. Everyone is excited and nervous leading up to the big night. There is nothing as fun or as memorable as prom night. Everyone deserves the chance to experience the sights, sounds, and feelings of prom.


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  • kalbert14
    May 19, 2014 at 1:50 pm 

    Couldnt have said it better myself ! prom is so stressful when it comes to money and where everything is going to be taken place as for there to be a “game plan” about how your amazing night is going to be, bottom line for prom is to just have fun and let things fall into place. Good piece !

  • gpinard14
    May 22, 2014 at 8:19 am 

    Prom honestly stunk for me I didn’t have fun at all. It was boring and had horrible music I did not have a great time it was stressful for no reason and made me waste so much money on something I did not like. Prom officially is a waste time and money (:

  • mhall14
    May 23, 2014 at 6:55 pm 

    Prom honestly sucks there is no fun to be had there. I was boring and I never got the songs I requested. Prom is so much a waste of time and a headache. Prom is also a waste of money too

  • kgagne14
    May 27, 2014 at 1:53 pm 

    Prom is something else it takes a lot of time and money. I think most people go to prom because there parents want to see them dressed up or they want to make a girl or a guy jealous.

  • tfrechette14
    May 27, 2014 at 10:36 pm 

    Prom is a very special night, and for it to be a good night you have go in with the intention of making it a good night. Prom isn’t everyone’s thing, but I know for me prom was one of the biggest things I looked forward to this year! This is very well written!

  • glabbe14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:17 am 

    Prom is a great night I think it was fun and I got to dance as well. How ever I believe that what can make it go wrong. I believe this to be do to teens going out and getting drunk or doing drugs. So do to that is how I believe prom can go wrong for people.

  • mthomas14
    June 2, 2014 at 11:47 am 

    Prom senior year was one of the best nights ever! It was way better than last years prom, mostly because there was no drama and no one puked on the dance floor. But getting ready for prom was pretty stressful and I didn’t even have a date so I can only imagine what it was like for all of you with dates.

  • mnemeth14
    June 3, 2014 at 11:25 am 

    As I have described to many people when they ask me about prom night. I wanted to have an amazing night(like everyone wanted), but instead I just had a good night. I just embraced the fact that I was there with my best friends which might have been one of the last times I got to do so. I had more fun the night before Prom if I’m honest….

  • mhenderson14
    June 10, 2014 at 12:00 pm 

    Prom was indeed one of the best dances I had ever gone to, for once I wasn’t standing on the side lines but actually danced. Sure it was kinda pricey and stressful to get ready for. In my opinion, there was no point during prom that made it unpleasant for me or my date.

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