TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Riding Toward My Future

“Don’t squeeze your legs so tight,” my mother kept telling me on my first horse ride at just ten years old. My anxiousness distracted me from following her single direction. Over time, my nervousness began to fade away. Each time I mounted a horse I became more and more comfortable. Ever since that first experience, horseback riding has been a rewarding passion of mine.

Growing up, horses were always a part of me and of my family’s life. One of my household responsibilities was to take care of our horses. This has consisted of simply brushing the horses to tasks as complicated as regulating their temporary medications. These hours that I spent aiding and riding the horses gave me the opportunity to develop a compassionate bond with them. This pride I took in taking care of the my family’s horses drove me to pursue a job at a stable in my community. As I grew older, the desire of having my own horse to connect with grew stronger. Finally, at the age of twelve, all of my hard work and dedication paid off; Cassie Sue, my first horse, entered my life.

Cassie Sue was a polished black pony with a white streak running down the middle of her face. I was immediately infatuated with brushing, cleaning, and riding her. There was such an intense connection between us that I focused more on taking care of her than on anything else. Unfortunately, this friendship did not last long. A year after Cassie Sue was adopted into my life, she was diagnosed with a fatal disease known as laminitis. At that time, there was nothing I could do to save her, as her disease was too invasive. I felt helpless. The veterinarian said there was limited options and she would suffer and live with excruciating pain. My family and I made the decision to not let her suffer anymore. She passed away on a brisk October day. This was the most devastating event that has occurred throughout my life.

After her death, a part of me inside felt empty. I had lost my companion and more importantly, my best friend. Everything I had ever wanted and worked for, vanished in a blink of an eye. I did not realize how much positivity she had on my life, until she was gone. Somehow, I felt that I wasn’t needed anymore. That feeling made me realize that I not only have a desire for helping horses, but people as well.

Ever since this life-changing experience, I have felt the inclination to put others before myself and to reach out to assist them. Each day I strive to make someone’s life better, even if it’s simply saying hello or giving someone a compliment as they walk by. In the remembrance of Cassie Sue, I challenge myself each and everyday to do a kind act out of the goodness of my heart. Putting a smile on someone’s face is a very rewarding feeling.

A goal of mine is to continue this daily tradition for the remainder of my life.

Horses, especially Cassie Sue, have made a lasting impression on me. I knew taking care of a horse was a huge responsibility and I knew this experience would teach me a lot about life. What I did not know though, was that it would influence my aspiration to help others. I am thankful for my enjoyable experience with horses. I believe that my relationships with horses has not only made me an unselfish person who puts other people’s needs before my own, but also pushed me to successfully have a positive impact in the lives of others.


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