TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Credit Union's Power through a Stuffed Bunny

Imagine a young girl with bright blonde hair and bright green eyes clutching onto a gorgeous, white, fluffy bunny taller than her, staring into the bunny’s eyes. That was me when I was younger, all because of Maine Family Credit Union. This scene is relatively old, seeing how I am eighteen now and that happened when I was about five. However that is still one of my most memorable memories of Maine Family in my life so far. As a little kid, going into the credit union was one of my favorite things to do with my father when I was young. Going in with him meant that I would get the famous lollipops given by the nice tellers who always asked what color I wanted making my day.

One day around Easter time I was eager for a lollipop as I went into our Maine Family Credit Union branch. I saw a great big, gorgeous, white bunny sitting in his own chair up for raffle. I was so excited. Bunnies were my favorite animal. I just wanted to get my hands on the bunny. As I am a daddy’s girl my dad got a raffle ticket and put my name in the drawing, thinking that I wouldn’t win. To all of our surprise I won the huge gorgeous bunny! We never told my mother that we put in to win the huge bunny so it came to a surprise when I brought it home. I was heaven high with that white fluffy bunny. I hugged him daily. Even though the bunny went to Goodwill as I got older to be enjoyed by another little kid I will always remember the big, fluffy bunny that I won from Maine Family Credit Union.

In some people’s eyes winning a bunny may not be a big deal, but to a five year old girl it was. It began my understanding that Maine Family Credit Union does more than depositing checks, maturing CD’s, and having a variety of loans; it brightens the life of all ages no matter how young or old.

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  • mhall14
    May 23, 2014 at 3:09 pm 

    Nice work I see no grammatical errors the only thing I think it needs is more description of the bunny and more accurate date of when this happened other than that there was good description of the bunny and description of yourself

  • darsenault14
    May 28, 2014 at 12:09 pm 

    This was a really cute story. I know when I was young I used to carry around a stuffed bunny, so I can relate about wanting to have a stuffed bunny. Great piece!

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