TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Senior Countdown

After high school you go off to college, and go to major in something you want to do for the rest of your life. At 18 we are forced to determine what we want to do with our lives. How are you suppose to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life at such a young age? We have our parents and guidance counselors breathing down our necks telling us we need to apply for college and scholarships. There is so much to be done in such short time, that we just don’t want to do any of it. We push it off to the side until we absolutely need to get it done.

For me I’m just finding out who I am, just learning what I really enjoy doing. I know I want to work with kids, but there are so many careers I can go into and work with kids. How am I suppose to narrow that down to one? You also start to stress about how you’re going to pay for college, and how you’re going to survive away from home. Not to mention on top of this, we have to worry about passing all our classes. Senior year is filled with so many decision that it starts to become overwhelming. Now here I stand at the end of my senior year, still with no idea what I want to do with my life, and trying to bring my grades up so I can graduate. The stress levels have gotten so high that you just feel like giving up, but you know you can’t. The countdown of senior year use to be excited, but now it has become horrifying.

Featured Image: “Stress!!” By: Marsmettnn Tallahassee @flickr



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  • darsenault14
    May 28, 2014 at 11:32 am 

    I’m glad I am not the only one stressing over what they are going to be doing after graduation. I can relate to having the stress of choosing something that you’re going to be stuck with for the rest of your life. This was a really good piece, and it was really easy to relate too. Nice job!

  • mwood14
    May 29, 2014 at 7:16 am 

    I wish you would have added more because I get exactly what you are saying and this fits how I feel perfectly! I enjoyed reading it because you wrote about something that I was able to relate to.

  • ltemple14
    May 31, 2014 at 11:11 am 

    So true! The beginning of the school year I was so excited to graduate, and now I don’t exactly feel the same way.. I still don’t know what I want to do! there are so many options but where do I start to chose from? There is so much to worry about with this year, like applying to college, getting accepted, figuring out how to pay for it, and on top of that passing all our classes to graduate.. its been quite the year. I loved reading this, and it was something that I could really relate too.

  • ccunningham14
    June 2, 2014 at 9:14 am 

    I agree with the piece you have written the last year of high school is very stressful because it is the final countdown you can either make or break it. You have to pass all your classes to make sure that you will graduate and walk with your class.

  • lwashburn14
    June 2, 2014 at 11:08 am 

    You could write a whole book on this! You did really good at getting the point across and I totally agree with what you said. The stress sucks but it is worth it in the long run!

  • dwoodard14
    June 3, 2014 at 10:15 am 

    I agree with you, the last year is very very stressful. It is hard to figure out what we will do with our lives at this age, but we have to push to get further on in life so we aren’t stuck here at this level.

  • cpoulin14
    June 3, 2014 at 10:54 am 

    This post just about sums up my life right now. I could not agree more and I am more horrified than ever at the moment.

  • eakers14
    June 12, 2014 at 1:18 pm 

    This post really explains my senior year in nutshell. I’ve changed what I want to do so many times, gotten so scared to the point where I fled. I still have no idea what I want to do. I’m scared that I’ll never know. I don’t want to do something that I wont be happy with in life.. But then again anything is better than working at Dunkin’ Donuts for the rest of my life.

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