TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Stop Learning, Start Thinking

Before I begin, I want to thank Jacob Barnett for the idea. I’m going to tell you what his idea is and why I agree with him.

Jacob Barnett was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. Doctors predicted he wouldn’t be able to talk and do normal day-to-day tasks. He would focus on details much more than other children his age would, which was mistaken for staring off into space. He eventually was given special education, where he was still not learning anything, but rather beginning to understand nature and logic. At age 10, he learned all of middle school and high school math in the span of two weeks so that he could attend a calculus math class at a local university. In a segment of his own on Ted Talk, he explained how two of the world’s greatest scientists- Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein- made incredible discoveries when they were forced to think instead of learn.

Now I want to make Jacob’s point loud and clear- instead of forcing information down your throat like millions of other kids have done, try thinking about something. Pick your favorite passion and think about it, maybe something you never thought of will surprise you. When we learn something in school, we are reabsorbing the information that someone else had discovered and left behind for us to soak up. With a structure like that, there is never a chance for the active imagination to breathe and flex its muscles.

Some people live in cities where the stars are drowned out by the artificial light that the buildings produce. When they drive out into the countryside and look up, they are amazed. Their eyes don’t leave the speckled sky and all they can think about is how beautiful their world is outside the home-made biome of light that they have to deal with for the majority of their lives. How does this relate to the subject? Well, if you want to discover something new and beautiful, you will have to venture outside the already discovered and created world and possibly look at things at some incredibly awkward angles, but only when you step outside the bounds of what’s already being taught will you discover something truly great.

I want to encourage all of you to take a few moments to yourself when you have some free time and just spend it thinking about something you truly care about, and see what comes out of it. You might find yourself thinking more and more, and maybe those thoughts will turn into something physical- A blueprint, a model, a rough draft, etc. Learning is great to get you off the ground, but to truly fly you’ll need to think with your own special brain and see what you can do.


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  • abrooks14
    May 28, 2014 at 7:17 pm 

    This is a great piece of information I agree with his point to just take the time and think about you enjoy. This piece really makes you have an open mind. Good job (:

  • awhitten14
    May 29, 2014 at 9:57 am 

    This piece really does give you an open mind like Amber said above. Great article, glad you shared this with us!

  • Kmceachern14
    May 29, 2014 at 11:50 pm 

    I feel like educators need to realize the point that you’re making, that there’s more to learning than just the past, than just the facts that other people have come across. That learning is easier when it actually means something to a person, when it involves their passions or dreams. If a person doesn’t care to learn, they wont, they’ll memorize the information for long enough to take the test, then let it all disappear. If we care about a subject, studying doesn’t seem so bad, learning about the topic is interesting. Hopefully one day educators will incorporate individual passions into the curriculum, and not have such stereotypical way of teaching.

  • ccunningham14
    June 2, 2014 at 9:41 am 

    I agree one hundred percent on your piece. Sometimes you just need to sit back stop and think about what is going on around you. Take a deep breath stop look and wonder about the world and what it means to you.

  • saustin14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:04 am 

    I agree with this post full heartedly because i have been trying to just remember the thing that teachers have put in front of me instead of trying to learn though we may try to learn I do not think we actually get smarter I think that we only remember useless facts that are not going to help you in the real world. Think about what you are doing before you do it it all kind of correlates to the common sense factor which isn’t quite so common because people don’t think anymore they memorize

  • rcote14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:18 am 

    I loved reading this post. It was very inspirational, and made me think about what I could do differently with my life. Instead of spending all my time doing the same thing, I should do something different. Take most risks, and be more involved in the world.

  • cpoulin14
    June 3, 2014 at 9:42 am 

    This is a really good post, and I have always thought the exact same thing. I like how inspirational and encouraging it is!:D

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