TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Benefits of Playing Soccer My Freshmen Year

One of the best decisions I could have made for myself was playing soccer throughout my high school years. Soccer taught me things that I could have never learned in a classroom. Lessons that I will use when I go out into the “real world”. One of the biggest things it taught me was how to have passion for something, how to work hard for what I want. Passion was something that each of us had on that team. We were all there for the same reason, we loved soccer and we wanted to be the best we could be, so we would push not only ourselves but one another. We would practice everyday, we would go home and think about practice and then we would wake up and do it all over again. It was all that was on anyone’s mind.

With that being said it also taught me how to be apart of a team. This was a very big benefit of playing because although most of the time it was fun and everyone got along it wasn’t always like that. There were times I had to work with someone I didn’t necessarily get along with or agree with but I learned how to because we both had the same goal. I put my differences aside and we worked together to achieve what had to be done. We were a team and they were my family.

The biggest benefit of them all was meeting my support team. From day one of our freshmen year soccer season we clung together. We were all going through the same thing, going into a school not knowing everyone and beginning the season as well as the school year at the bottom of the totem pole. Four years later we have all grown tremendously and will shortly be going our separate ways. Which is a thought that is extremely scary to think about but I know these are girls that I will be friends with for a lifetime and have been blessed to have been able to play side by side with them for the past four seasons of my life.

Featured Image: “Seniors” taken by BIvy15


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  • abrooks14
    May 28, 2014 at 6:17 pm 

    I like how you explain how much you enjoyed it and everything it taught you. Its amazing to know how people can get so close and enjoy their time on the field. with on another. You did a great job writing this (:

  • lwashburn14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:52 am 

    I agree with what this piece says because I played basketball as a freshmen when I was nervous to and it really helped me a lot. I found confidence and motivation in myself because of it. I think that the piece of work is well written and it gives a good message to all incoming freshmen.

  • kridley14
    June 2, 2014 at 12:07 pm 

    Great piece I love how you went into depth about how it helped you and made the rest of your high school career. It is a very true piece and very well written.

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