TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Bear Baiting Controversy in Maine Seperates Democrats and Republicans?

Baiting, trapping, and the use of dogs to hunt bears has been allowed in Maine for many years. The topic is controversial as some people would say that the use of such tools is inhumane while others would say it is their constitutional right to be able to hunt. The Humane Society decided to push for stricter regulations on bear hunting and the result was Question 1 on the ballot this past November 2014. Question 1 reads “An Act To Prohibit the Use of Dogs, Bait or Traps When Hunting Bears Except under Certain Circumstances”.

Thirty two states allow bear hunting, “Maine is the only one who allows the use of all three practices of baiting, trapping, and the use of dogs to hunt bears” (Fair Bear Hunt). Bear hunting has been banned in 20 states for reasons such as fear of bear extinction, animal cruelty, and others. For example, Florida banned hunting with many reasons in mind but one reason in mind that their bear population was declining. Their bear population is at about 2,500-3,000 bears statewide (Wildlife Habits). This population allows the species to exist while not disturbing the people in the state. Bear hunting is illegal in Florida and has been 1994. One reason hunting was banned is based on surveys that biologists put out to the community and the majority of people were opposed to hunting.

The Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department took a stand in the recent election that they need to use methods such as baiting, trapping, and using dogs to reduce the bear population. One of the most frequently played ads from the Maine Game Wardens shows a bear in a neighborhood and Game Warden explaining how he had no choice but to shoot a bear for public safety. The video shows actual footage of the bear in a tree, then coming down and running towards the woods. Public safety and the bear population were their main points of argument.

This bear baiting debate had two sides and it was assumed that if you are a Republican than you are for bear baiting and if you are a Democrat than you are against bear baiting. It became more of a political debate rather than being concerned for Maine’s wildlife. In our society often times large issues become political. Why do topics such as bear baiting, abortion, police brutality, etc have to become a political issue? Politics should be based on topics such as the economy and foreign relations not whether or not bear baiting should be allowed.

Featured Image: “Do not Bait” by Mat Hampson @ (CC BY-SA 2.0)


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