TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

How To Find The Right College For You

This is the year! our last stand, as we seniors face the reality of the real world. The structure of our last 11 years of schooling is about to change. The end of what seemed like an eternity. We are finally, months away from a new beginning.  After taking the SAT’s in May of 2014, it seemed as though we were already seniors and colleges started to contact us about going to their school. The visions became clear and not clouded by high school problems or academics. It gave us a taste of what life might be like after high school. Some are going on to post-secondary schools, some going into the armed forces, and some going right into the workforce. Most choosing to go on to College, but there are so many factors on which college best fits you.

The college of your choice has to be viewed as a second home. It has to be part of you in a way that it has to fit your needs or your preference. Does this college have the right degree for me? Does this college have a high graduation rate? What is the atmosphere there like? How is the weather year round? How far is it from home? all of these have probably come across your mind when looking at colleges. Remember depending on your degree, you will pretty much live at that campus for the duration it takes to accomplish the degree. So factor in all of these thoughts when considering a college. The last thing you want is to be miserable again when going to school. College should be an experience , an adventure, and can be enjoyable if a college meets all your requirements. If you are stressing out while reading this, no worries, guidance is there to help. They can make choosing and applying for a college an easier task to accomplish. Do not fear graduation will soon be here!


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