TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

15 Tips for Teenagers to Deal with Children

One rule I learned with working with children is that each child is different. Some kids respond to love better than punishment, while some children are loud and others are quiet. You cannot always punish a child the same way as others. Children also have different ways of thinking. They will make mistakes that they shouldn’t really be punished for. They are learning just like everyone else.

 #1 Always be patient, because children are still learning.

 #2 Never hold a grudge, because mistakes are made.

 #3 It is okay to be their friend, but remember to still be the adult.

 #4 Children just want to be heard, they have voices too and love to talk.

 #5 The terrible twos are an actual thing but nothing compared to the terror threes.

 #6 Sometimes children misbehave because they need loving and attention.

 #7 Remember almost every object can be used in harmful ways, just watch to make sure the children are being safe. (eyes on)

 #8 Never force a child to eat. (If it’s not your kid)

 #9 When you get stressed out take minute to breathe and relax, remember you were a crazy kid once too.

 #10 When teaching children manners remember your manners as well.

#11 If you want a more relaxing night take the children outside and let them run around all they want, they will sleep wonderfully after.

#12 Don’t forget to check under the bed for monsters when putting children to sleep, you never know what could be under there.

#13 Children love music so a dance party is a fun way to drain energy for a good nights sleep.

#14 Never judge a child, because it is okay for all genders to play with barbies or trucks.

#15 A childs safety is the most important thing. If you believe a child is being harmed there are people who you can call anonymously. You never know it could save a life.


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