TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Budget Shopping

Most of us know that not everyone is as fortunate to be able to afford all the things that we need to survive. There are people out there who don’t have warm clothes, food, water, a warm place to sleep and everyone can help with something with that, even children. Most kids love to go shopping, but most of the time it is for themselves and they are the ones getting all the new toys or clothes. Maybe they should reverse the roll and buy for someone else who is less fortunate.

If your child loves to go shopping, here is something you can do to benefit someone other than yourself. Go to a local store like Walmart, Kmart, or the Dollar Store and give your child a certain amount of money that they can spend, and their goal is to see how many items they can get with that amount of money. All the things that they end up buying, bring them somewhere to donate it to someone who is less fortunate.

For example, bring your child to Walmart, and give them around $20. Let them shop around for a while and see how much stuff they can buy. To make it even harder, you can give them a certain part of the store they have to buy from. You can make them buy from the clothing, food, or toy section. After they found everything that they can get and check-out bring them to a local shelter where they can donate all their stuff to someone in need. If you have more than one child, you can make it a competition. Get a small prize, and tell them that whoever buys the most items with their money will win a prize.

This is something easy and fun to do, and you are even helping someone who is in need. Your child will be able to do something that they love like shopping, and maybe they will even learn a lesson with the shopping trip.

Featured Image; Shopping by Mikey Jones @ Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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