TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Women are not as Strong as Men

 The stereotype of women not being as strong as men has always been popular. This very common stereotype is only true in one circumstance. There are many ways to prove that women are equally as strong as men and maybe even stronger in certain areas of life. Physically, men are able to build muscle easier than women and become bigger. This is simply due to their higher amounts of testosterone and naturally greater percentage of muscle mass. Women may not be able to build the same amount of muscle as men can but strength does not necessarily correspond with the size of a person.

Strength can be defined in many different ways and I think this is where the misconception is. If a person defines strength by the diameter of ones bicep, then most men would be considered stronger than women. However, if strength is defined as how much pain a person can handle than many women would rise above. Women must suffer through the pain of childbirth and men do not. This does not mean that women are stronger than men, but if you were to define strength by the amount of physical pain one goes through in life, than many would agree that women are very strong. It all comes down to how one defines strength. If you define strength by size than men would be stronger, if you define strength by the amount of pain one goes through then women may be considered stronger. In my opinion, men and women are equally as strong as one another just in different part of life.

Featured Image: “Bulging bicep” by 2014uknz  @ flickr (CC BY 2.0)


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  • ahiggins15
    May 14, 2015 at 11:11 am 

    This is a really solid argument and I really like the way you presented it.

  • agiandrea15
    May 19, 2015 at 9:14 am 

    I really like where you went with this, because so many guys think that they are so much stronger but in some cases there not. Girls can be a strong as guys.

  • agiandrea15
    May 19, 2015 at 9:41 am 

    But I get were your going also in the way that guys are stronger. But also some girls can be as strong as guys too. But not always.

  • ncavallaro15
    May 20, 2015 at 12:28 pm 

    What is your opinion on female body builders?

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