TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Road Trip Checklist

When going on a road trip it is important that you are ready and equipped for the ride. But how do you successfully get from one destination to another? Usually it requires the following:


  • A reliable car

A reliable car is probably the most important thing to have when driving across the country. The odds of breaking down would be much less and it will probably have a good radio.


  • Music

Music is key when in a car for hours at a time especially when driving because there is not much else to do. Creating a playlist with lots of variety is important so you don’t get bored of the same music. Driving to San Diego from Sabattus is around 47 hours and 47 hours of the same music would rather aggravating.


  • A map/GPS

Most people use their GPS now a days but something could always go wrong with technology so it is important to have a map somewhere in the car as well as a GPS.


  • A destination

A destination is optional. Some people see a road trip as driving away and seeing where you can end up, but this way is for people without a timeline and probably some money, because road trips can get expensive. Other people go on a road trip just to get somewhere like a vacation or to move.


  • Money

Road trips can get pretty expensive. Between staying in hotels, food, gas, and if anything goes wrong with the vehicle that is being driven. Saving up is essential before the road trip because anything could go wrong when you are so far away from home.


  • Company

Going on a road trip alone would be pretty boring and dangerous. Having someone along for the ride makes it easier because they can do some of the driving and you have someone along for the ride because going alone could get boring.


Without these things a road trip would not go very smoothly, and would be very boring. On your trip make sure what you are equipped with everything listed above.

Featured Image: Virginia Road Signs By Mitch Groff At Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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  • adube15
    May 25, 2015 at 4:11 pm 

    An idea for a road trip would be to go cross-country from Maine to California, so that way many parts of the country can be explored.

  • vmorris15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:22 pm 

    These are all really good ideas to bring on a road trip. Another idea that someone could bring is food from their house so instead of having to keep stopping to buy food, they can have snacks along the way.

  • kmichaud15
    May 29, 2015 at 1:13 pm 

    I have used all of these tips on a road trip before and it was very enjoyable. A reliable car is key, so you don’t break down, has this ever happened to you?

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