TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


The New England Patriots seem to always be in the public eye. With the amount of success this team has had over the past 15 years, who wouldn’t want to taint there reputation? Since 2000 Bill Belichick and Tom Brady have become the most winningest QB / Coach tandem since the AFC/NFC consolidation. They have a 145-42 record over their 15 years together and 3 Super Bowl victories in that span also. Their legacy is no less than amazing.

However, they have been a team of controversy over this time span. The team has had many player controversies involving the likes of  Randy Moss and Wes Welker, as well as their scandal deemed “SpyGate.” This was where the Patriots were fined and were forced to give up two draft picks for spying on other teams’ play calls and signals.

However, it seems as though the Pats are in the public eye, yet again.

After last week’s win over the Indianapolis Colts the Patriots were accused of underinfalting their footballs for the first half of the game – the second half they were forced to play with regulation balls (the NFL handbook states that footballs have to be inflated at 12.5-13.5 psi). The NFL has been investigating the scandal and has yet to find punitive actions. against the team. It is worth noting that the Patriots did score 28 points in the second half using regulation inflated footballs while the Colts scored 0 points in the second half.

In Belichick’s press conference Wednesday morning he denied any knowing about the process the footballs went through to be game-ready.

Shortly after, quarterback Tom Brady held a press conference to deny having any involvement in the scandal as well. Seeming almost entertained by the reporters Brady reminded us that “This isn’t ISIS.” and that “Everything will be okay.”



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