TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The College Tour

If you are considering a particular college–you like everything seen on their website and or the brochures sent to you–then you might make an assumption that this is the college for you.  The people who design these college websites do a fantastic job pulling you in by the magnificent contrasts of the website, cover all information you might ask, life of a student at that college and  some might even let you take a virtual tour of the campus, but It still is not experiencing what your life would actually be like at that college. Believe me I have looked at websites and thought to myself well this looks like the college for me, but in fact the vibes you get from a screen and the vibes received when actually touring the campus are two completely different concepts. Take a day and go visit that college and take a tour. The impression it will make on you might be different from the impression you had on their website. If you are going to put yourself in debt or spend a lot of time at that campus don’t you want to have a full perception of that college?

To compare this do you look at a car online and say yes! this is the car I want and just buy it? No, you have to see it in person and take it for a test drive it before you buy it. The same aspect goes when looking at colleges. When taking the tour, the College will have either an employee or alumni of the campus give the tour because they can answer all the questions and tell their experiences of the college. You will either combine your virtual experience and actual experience and say I love this college or you might find experience of touring it vastly different than what you imagined online. It actually is pretty common among new college students. So do it for yourself, know what the college life will be like and see if that college is for you because if not, it might remind some of you of the dragged down days of high school.

Featured image:“Gallaudet College Hall” by Mr.TinDC (CC BY-ND 2.0)


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  • ncavallaro15
    May 20, 2015 at 9:31 am 

    Are there any other ways to go see a college if traveling isn’t an option?

    • marnold15
      June 2, 2015 at 10:02 pm 

      yes by checking the college website. Most of the college websites offer a virtual tour you can take and its like walking through the campus only through your computer screen.

  • sgoulet15
    May 20, 2015 at 9:43 am 

    College is very expensive in the generation that we live in! Would you advise students to try and go to a community colleges or would you say be adventurous and go to a university? Touring a community college is usually small but how about a university? Do you think it is overwhelming for some people?

  • mshedd15
    May 28, 2015 at 9:14 pm 

    College is very expensive, so it is a good idea to check it out before appyling and accepting. Do you think that going to a college that is expesive is worth it? If a student had to pick between their dream school which is very expensive or a second choice that is less expensive, which is a better option? Do you think it is worth it to put yourself more in debt to go to the school of your dreams? Do you think people think about how much their student loans will be after they graduate?

  • afrechette15
    June 1, 2015 at 8:46 pm 

    Choosing a college to attend is one of the biggest decisions that we will ever make by ourselves. The college we go to could possibly decide what type of career we will enter into and what our life will look like after we complete our education. Visiting colleges before making this big decision is such a good idea, just like our guidance counselors told us. Since most colleges offer the same level of education and the same classes, it is important to decide where you will get the most bang for your buck. Since community colleges and state universities are usually a lot cheaper than private colleges, even though they all offer the same courses, would you recommend going to a community college, then transferring?

  • jbannister15
    June 3, 2015 at 9:15 am 

    I think this was a great idea for a post Matt! I went to tour my future college before committing, and boy am I glad I did. It is a great idea to go check out multiple colleges, in order to leave some options open.

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