TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

French Fishtail Braid

A french fishtail is a more advanced version of a fishtail braid. A fishtail braid is a very simple two strand braid, where you take small pieces from each of the two sections and cross them over. It creates a nice fish tail bone structure kind of look. A french fishtail is where the braid will start being connected to the head of hair instead of being a ponytail into a braid.


To start the braid, grab a section of hair from where ever you would like your braid to start. Split the hair into two parts.
Step 1: To start the braid, grab a section of hair from where ever you would like your braid to start. Split the hair into two parts.
To start the braid, just like you would a fishtail braid, grab a piece from the side (I started by grabbing apiece on the left) When you grab the piece it will be from the head, not the hair you have separated  into two pieces. The piece you grab from the side will be crossed over and added into the opposite side. (mine was crossed over the left side and added to the right section of hair)
Step 2: To start the braid, just like you would a fishtail braid, grab a piece from the side (I started by grabbing apiece on the left) When you grab the piece it will be from the head, not the hair you have separated into two pieces. The piece you grab from the side will be crossed over and added into the opposite side. (mine was crossed over the left side and added to the right section of hair)
Step 3: repeat step 2 but on the opposite side. Grab a section of hair from the head on the opposite side you did before (mine is now being grabbed for the right side and crossed over the right side and added into left)
Step 3: repeat step 2 but on the opposite side. Grab a section of hair from the head on the opposite side you did before (mine is now being grabbed for the right side and crossed over the right side and added into left)
*This is another view of what you should be grabbing from the side. By adding the hair from the side of the head it is connecting the braid tightly to the head. The tighter you hold the pieces and add pieces the closer it will be. I made a very loose french fishtail. (A lot like a french braid where you add hair from the side and pull it into the braid)*
*This is another view of what you should be grabbing from the side. By adding the hair from the side of the head it is connecting the braid tightly to the head. The tighter you hold the pieces and add pieces the closer it will be. I made a very loose french fishtail. (A lot like a french braid where you add hair from the side and pull it into the braid)*
Step 4: Once all the hair is  used from the head you will continue with a normal fishtail braid. The fishtail braid will use the same steps from the french fishtail but you will not be adding hair anymore. Just using what is already in your braid.
Step 4: Once all the hair is used from the head you will continue with a normal fishtail braid. The fishtail braid will use the same steps from the french fishtail but you will not be adding hair anymore. Just using what is already in your braid.
When you finish off your fishtail you should have a braid similar to this! Practice on making the braid tight and close to the head.
When you finish off your fishtail you should have a braid similar to this! Practice on making the braid tight and close to the head.
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  • sgoulet15
    May 21, 2015 at 9:37 am 

    I notice that you have a chunk of hair tied back with an elastic at the very beginning. Do you have to start like this or is it optional?

    • hlelansky15
      May 22, 2015 at 7:39 am 

      It is very optional, this was just the way Danielle had her hair that day so I just tried to work with it.

  • sgoulet15
    May 22, 2015 at 9:56 am 

    That is just to cool! I can not wait to try it out sometime. It looks almost easier if you tied it up like Danielle had it. Thanks Hannah!

  • sbennett15
    May 22, 2015 at 4:31 pm 

    This is great! I love the tips on how to do this hairstyle! Now I just have to grow my hair out so I can try it! Thank you very much for this Hannah!

  • bbays15
    May 25, 2015 at 1:37 pm 

    Could you maybe tug on the sides of the regular part of the fishtail braid to make it closer to the width of the french fishtail braid?

  • kdoyle15
    May 31, 2015 at 6:13 pm 

    I love this braid! When making this braid is easier to make it tighter when the hair is longer or shorter?

  • bkarkos15
    June 1, 2015 at 9:55 am 

    This looks so cool, how did you learn to do this?

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