TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mind Games

Baseball is not just a game of physical abilities, but also mental toughness. Baseball, being such a slow pace game, brings many opportunities to mess with opponent’s heads. Almost any position can trick another player at one point or another. One of the most famous, but also one of the hardest tricks to pull off, is called the hidden ball trick. It is when the pitcher attempts a pick-off move and he does not actually take the ball back from the baseman. The base runner is not supposed to see this, and as he takes his lead when the pitcher is ball-less and going through the motions, the baseman tags him out. That is trickery at it’s finest. There are also opportunities to mess with the opponent’s head, whether it be physical or verbal.

The act of verbally messing with someone in sports is called “chirping”. The point of chirping is to get into a players head and to get them raddled. The best person to chirp to is the pitcher. It is also convenient to chirp to the pitcher because that is when most of the hitting team is in the dugout. One of my favorite chirps is yelling “Watch the eephus”. This is a lob, or a very slow pitch, usually intentional. The best time to yell this phrase is directly after the pitcher throws his hardest fastball. It is to make the pitcher question is velocity and manhood. Another physical way that pitchers mess with batters is by working inside. The goal is not to hit the batter, but to back him off the plate. This will set up a perfect time to throw the outside fastball. Baseball is a game of concentration and finesse. A good chirping game will help too.

Featured Image: Trash Talking T-Shirts By Bari D @ Flicker (CC BY-ND 2.0)


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  • sgoulet15
    May 21, 2015 at 9:45 am 

    I have watched you play many baseball games over the years that I have known you. I think you are a fantastic baseball player! 🙂 The chirping game does get into other players heads and you are very good at it. Do you plan to play this same type of game in college next year?

  • kmichaud15
    May 27, 2015 at 3:28 pm 

    I have heard about the hidden ball trick for some time now, although I have not 100% understood the trick until now! Informative post for sure!

  • tnorris15
    May 28, 2015 at 8:10 am 

    I know you have a passion for baseball, and your a really good catcher

  • kvoisine15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:09 pm 

    This is a good post. You are truly a good baseball player. I remember when we used to play baseball together in 8th grade. That year was so awful. You are right, it is fun to talk trash to the other team.

  • afrechette15
    June 1, 2015 at 4:01 pm 

    I’ve been watching professional baseball on TV since I was young, and I always enjoyed it. Most people are aware that chirping goes on between dugouts, but not a lot of people know what is actually said. Maybe a select few players that are known to chirp to other teams could be mic’d up like in professional hockey, just for fans’ entertainment.

  • marnold15
    June 2, 2015 at 9:46 pm 

    I must say the game of baseball can affect your mindset during the game. It can cause a player’s stamina or attitude to dwindle and make them have a horrible game.

  • cayres15
    June 4, 2015 at 7:46 am 

    I have to agree Sgoulet15 the chirping must get into the other players heads and at least affect them in some way because I know when I watch you play and hear your team chirping at the other team it makes me laugh because how can that not get in your head?

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