TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Quadricep Training

The quadricep muscle is one of the biggest muscles in the human body. It is the muscle that helps with bending the leg at the knee. It is very important to have strong quadricep muscles so you can do things like running and walking and not be sore. People use the muscle when they sit and jump and those are two basic things everyone does in there lives. Defined quadriceps can also look good for the beach especially if someone is wearing a speedo.

In sports, strong quadriceps can prevent injury, make someone faster, and can help improve someones performance. If someone has knee pain then a cause of it could be the result of weak legs. More specifically, weak quadriceps. The quadriceps help support the knees. It can help prevent hyper extension and help support the joints and ligaments around the knee.

For set ranges when training quadriceps I would recommend doing a warm up set to warm up the quadriceps then go right into 3 sets of 12. Make sure when doing quadricep exercises that there is a spotter available. Especially in an exercise like squatting. They can help support the back of the person squatting so they don’t injure there back. In exercises like one legged squats I would say do 3 sets of 10 on each leg. So 10 reps on the left leg and 10 reps on the right.

Exercise someone can do include: Straight bar squats, Front squats, Lunges with or without dumbbells, Side squats, One legged squats and leg press.

Featured Image: “100_3952 SpiderMan’s quads” by Neeta Lind @Flickr (CC BY 2.0)



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  • cmerrill15
    May 22, 2015 at 9:45 am 

    If an athlete only trains quadriceps wouldn’t the hamstrings get weaker and need to be trained as well? Are quad injuries or hamstring injuries more common? Great article!

  • ksturtevant15
    May 29, 2015 at 1:11 pm 

    Thanks for sharing! From experience I can confirm that these training exercises work very well. Do you think there is a limit to the amount of training that should be performed?

  • mpease15
    May 30, 2015 at 5:57 pm 

    I enjoyed reading this article. I was wondering how to get my quads to the point I would look good in a speedo. Is there any other recommended workouts that would help?

  • amace15
    May 30, 2015 at 10:17 pm 

    This is very informative! If I work out daily, how long would it take for my quads to look like this in the picture? How hard would I have to work for it?

  • jbannister15
    June 3, 2015 at 9:12 am 

    Nice post Matt! I think that training legs is the most important thing a person can train. You wouldn’t build a house on a crappy foundation would you? The same applies to body building, do not build the upper body without working on the lower body.

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