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Brazillant Shampoo Bar by Lush

Product: Brazillant Shampoo Bar by Lush

Price: for shampoo bar 1.9 oz cost $9.95, for tin $3.95 at Lush

How long will it last?

  • This product if used every time you shampoo should last at the very least six months, not a lot of product is needed to get a full head of lather.

How to use:

  • make sure your hair is wet before using, then take the shampoo bar and swipe it through your hair on the top of your hair and one swipe underneath, that should be enough product to lather the entire head or just the scalp.

What is this product say it is supposed to do?

  • In the description it says that this product is supposed to strengthen hair while leaving it shiny, I was also told that this would not leave my hair looking greasy and unwashed. I also read that the 1.9oz of shampoo bar is the equivalent of three 8oz bottles of shampoo


  • I went into the Lush store in the portland mall and this product was recommended to me because I have curly hair, the sales woman said that it would be good for it. I took it home along with a special tin for it (if you leave it in the shower without one it will wash away like a bar of soap), I then tried it the next time I showered and I was super surprised by how much so little product did, even one swipe through my hair lathered the entire thing and I have very thick and long hair. The product also smelled great (like oranges) and it left my hair looking less dull.

I would recommend using this product every time you shampoo your hair (I use it every day), it won’t leave it dry or brittle. There are also lots of other shampoo bars that cater to other hair types on

Bottom line: I love love love this product and would recommend it or any of the other shampoo bars to anyone.

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  • bmadden15
    May 27, 2015 at 10:20 am 

    What are the other types of shampoo bars?

  • vmorris15
    May 27, 2015 at 11:44 am 

    This is really weird how it’s shampoo in a bar. Do you think this works better than regular bottles of shampoo, and do you like it better?

  • dsamson15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:15 am 

    If this product really lasts six months then it is a great way to save money on shampoo. Great post!

  • bivy15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:48 pm 

    This product seems really cool and definitely seems interesting to buy. Does it really last 6 months?

  • abossie15
    May 29, 2015 at 4:29 pm 

    If someone used this to wash their hair daily, how would it affect the hair? Is it only meant to be used a few times a week?

  • bbays15
    June 1, 2015 at 9:37 am 

    I have never heard of this before! Would this product make your hair healthier, or help with damaged hair?

  • lrossi15
    June 1, 2015 at 1:07 pm 

    Does it only work for curly hair or is it just recommended for curly hair?

  • mhilb15
    June 2, 2015 at 2:29 am 

    This is so cool, and something I never knew about! I love Lush products, and this has me wanting to go buy me a bar of shampoo!

  • htuttle15
    June 2, 2015 at 10:02 am 

    This is a great way to save money on shampoo since it lasts six months. Especially since the price is only around $10 where one bottle of shampoo that lasts only a few weeks could cost the same. Great review! Interested in trying this.

  • jdostie15
    June 2, 2015 at 11:08 pm 

    This reminds me of that commercial for face lotion that has a secret recipe which is a melon somewheres in the middle of Europe. Its cultures and ingredients are supposed to heal blemishes inside the skin to make it smooth and not rough as it would be from before.

  • bkarkos15
    June 3, 2015 at 12:21 pm 

    Can this work on any hair type? Or does it only work for curly hair or is it just recommended for curly hair?

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