TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

For the Love of the Game

Too many, baseball is just some game that 12 year olds play in an open yard somewhere. Too others, it’s more. It is a passion that is like no other. It is an extremely emotional attachment. There is a reaction to every pitch, to every move. With every ball it is not just a pitch, but it is a mental lapse in concentration. Every strike is just a small reward for every moment spent practicing. Every strikeout is crucial and that is evident with the feeling it gives off to strike someone out. A win is the ultimate high, but a loss is devastating. To some, baseball is a love of theirs.

There is nothing like going to a professional baseball game. The mixed smell of freshly cut grass and hot dogs is over taking. The grass is greener than anything else. The lights tower over the field, and every person looks like an ant in a crowd of people. The announcer’s voice echoes through the ball park and really sets the energy for the game. People come from all over the world to watch these games, and to support their favorite player. There is a special kind of energy when it comes to major league baseball games. The best part about the game, is that any team can beat any opponent on any given day. It all depends on who comes to play on which days. The last reason why baseball is a great sport to love is because there is not time limits. There are no buzzers to determine which team is better. It is all about which team can settle it in however many innings it takes, nine being the minimum.

Featured Image: “Leather and Lace” By gf peck @ Flickr


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  • mmartin15
    May 27, 2015 at 7:51 pm 

    Great article jake! I can tell by the article that your love of the game is very strong. Same with me and lacrosse. It’s the little things about it that I love.

  • tnorris15
    May 28, 2015 at 8:07 am 

    whats your best memory you have while playing baseball?

  • mpease15
    May 30, 2015 at 3:35 pm 

    This article is very interesting and enjoyable. I am not a huge baseball fan and I like that this post is not biased. This post is showing the love of your favorite sport. For me my love is football, completely different seasons but same feelings none the less. I like how you involve going to games and the smell of the field and food. Are you looking to continue forward with your baseball career out of high school? Whether it be playing in college or even in a club sport.

  • lrossi15
    June 1, 2015 at 3:00 pm 

    Wow you can really tell that you enjoy baseball! I also really enjoy baseball but just watching it.

  • marnold15
    June 2, 2015 at 9:43 pm 

    I have the exact same feeling about baseball! Everything in this article is how I feel about the game. Great article man!

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