TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

May: The Month of the Red Sox Performance Recession.

The baseball season is officially in full swing, although I’m cringing when I say that because the Red Sox are not doing so well. If they keep their pitching the way it is, they’re eventually going to fall until they can’t fall anymore. They have already fired their pitching coach, So what’s the next step? I suggest a trade, for a top pitcher. Lester being back would be nice but that’s not going to happen.

I have to say, I’m so far pretty impressed with Justin Masterson (2-2, 6.37 ERA). When he accepted an offer to the Sox this offseason, I had just about every doubt about him, since he didn’t do well with the Cleveland Indians nor the St. Louis Cardinals. It scared me a little when Farrell said he would be in the rotation. But I was wrong. He has done a great job for the organization so far, I mean, yes, he’s had a few oops moments and his ERA is way too high, but in the big picture, he’s worth it.

Now really, all of the Sox starting rotation pitchers are good, that’s why they’re in the majors. But, it seems that they’re producing more of their bad pitches than their good pitches. That’s the problem, and I know it’s being taken care of early enough in the season instead of having the front office wait it out because something might change. The ball will not throw itself.

On the other side, The Red Sox are hitting the ball when the chance comes up, although not all the time, but Ortiz (.237), Sandoval (.270), and Pedroia (.272)  have had some big hits at the appropriate times. If they can keep this up, nothing can stop them. If only their pitching can improve very soon, they would be tailgating 1st place, if not already in it.  So, in my opinion, I’m going to give them more time, I mean, it’s not even June yet, and they have over 2 months to make a trade. My patience will wear down for the Sox after the All-Star break, because that’s when most of the trades happen anyways, and if they’re not near first by then, well, you know, it’s Boston were talking about here, I bet they’ll still be glowing.



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  • kvoisine15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:33 pm 

    I like how you are a full out fan for your team. I respectfully disagree however, because I think Baltimore is the team that people should look out for in the MLB. It turns out the Orioles and Red Sox are both in the same Conference (AL East), and I believe the Orioles will take first place this year.

  • marnold15
    June 2, 2015 at 9:02 pm 

    I like the fact you have in depth statistics about the players mentioned. I am a huge Red Sox fans but I respectfully disagree that Justin Masterson is what you state he is. I agree with you completely about the need for pitching in Boston.

    • jdostie15
      June 2, 2015 at 11:03 pm 

      There has been a need for a pitcher that can handle most games for Red Sox for such a long time. From my knowledge Clay Buchholz handled the mound the most and kept the team in better shape for the majority of games and Koji is by far their best closer.

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