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Parts To Keep On An Old Computer

There are a few different ways to build a computer. The best possible way is to buy everything new since parts can be purchased to meet the needs of specific games or applications, and the warranties are still fresh. Another way is to salvage parts from an old computer. Many computers are thrown out with working parts left in them. Instead of tossing them out, remove all working parts to put together towards a new computer. Here are some parts that should be saved or tossed:

CPU+Motherboard: Most pre-built computer companies include custom motherboards with specialized features designed for their system. Many of these motherboards can be reused with a fresh install of Windows. CPUs can be reused as long as the motherboard is reuseable, and some motherboards allow the CPU to be upgraded.

Graphics Card: Usually if a pre-built computer has a graphics card in it, it’s usually not worth keeping. Sometimes it may be good enough to work as a backup card though.

Hard Drive: Reusing a hard drive is a great way to add more storage, but as drives get older, they have a greater tendency to stop working.

RAM: Older computers use an older type of RAM called DDR2, while most modern computers utilise DDR3. If the computer has a good amount of reusable RAM, it can be salvaged.

Case: Something that is commonly not thought of is reusing an old computer case. Cases can be picked up from just about anywhere for practically free and usually support standard sized components.

Fans: Most computers include fans for adequate cooling, which can be reused on new computer builds.

Power Supply: The one thing that should not be reused is a pre-built power supply. This is mainly because it might not have the correct connectors or enough power, and they are generally known to be untrustworthy after a few years.

Cables: Cables like Sata cables that connects hard drives and optical drive can be saved and reused.

Featured Image: Old Computer (early 00s) by g4ll4is @ Flickr


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  • dgamage15
    May 31, 2015 at 12:33 pm 

    This is always something to look for. I can confirm that the Hard Drive is a important thing to keep, from when I took apart our old computer.

  • lrossi15
    June 1, 2015 at 1:00 pm 

    Wow I will do this from now on with my old computers!

  • bkarkos15
    June 3, 2015 at 12:28 pm 

    This is very interesting! I will do this with my old computers

  • bkarkos15
    June 3, 2015 at 12:29 pm 

    This is very interesting! I will make sure to do this with my old computers

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