TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


When it comes to wrestling there is a lot of training that goes with it. Whether its physical or mental training you have to work hard every single day no matter what you are doing if you want to get the upper hand on your opponent. In practice you wan’t to work harder than everyone else and push them past there breaking point and then go further. But wrestling isn’t just about going hard in practices its also about training for flexibility to be able to do things that other might not be able to do because they haven’t work as hard on there flexibility, but when working on that its also important to make sure you are strength training as well and being able to maintain the weight you want to say at for the season. The way you do that is by working on your core muscle by doing lighter weights but with higher reps or doing a type of cross fit for muscle endurance.
When it comes to doing the strength training the type of cross fit you would want to be doing is circut training doing 3 sets and going for 30secs for as many reps that you can do in that time frame with 10 second rest between each workout and 2 mins between each set. This gives your muscles time to rest and not over work yourself but still getting the strength and muscle endurance that you are going for and the stretching after keeps your muscles from cramping or tearing.

Featured Image:”Wrestling is a painful sport” by: emdot @ Flickr


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  • kvoisine15
    May 28, 2015 at 9:35 pm 

    Wow! I really like this post Logan! I can only imagine how important training is in wrestling. I think training is important for anything. I also think a good work ethic is important.

  • croy15
    May 28, 2015 at 11:02 pm 

    What’s the difference be tween this and MMA, WWE? because it all looks the same to me..

    • lchilds15
      May 31, 2015 at 3:42 pm 

      There isn’t a huge difference between high school / college wrestling and MMA because it can be used as a fighting style but the difference is that MMA is a wide variety of fight styles that can not be used in collegiate wrestling (high school).

      There is a HUGE difference between WWE and Collegiate wrestling. WWE is acting and is completely different because of what can be worn, the fight styles, the ring, the fact that its scripted, and it looks nothing like real wrestling. Actual wrestling are on mats in a spandex uniform and has many rules that you won’t see in WWE. Also high school wrestling has a point system that determines whether you win or not if opponent is not pinned. Also you can’t throw punches in high school wrestling, jump of the top ropes (there are no ropes), body slam someone, hit them with a chair.

  • mpease15
    May 29, 2015 at 12:17 pm 

    I enjoy this article it is very interesting. I feel flexibility is very important when it come to wresting where you don’t want to tear anything (including your singlet). You mention cross fits and sets and reps but not really the work outs, I would like to know what it included in the circuit?

  • marnold15
    June 2, 2015 at 11:17 pm 

    I completely agree with you! training is very important in any sport! I always had an appreciation for wrestling because the amount of hard work and special training it took to be good in wrestling.

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