TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Video Games are Bad!!!

Many people believe that video games are bad but do they know exactly how bad they are?  For example, what happens if you play video games too much it can make you out of shape like if you sit there day after day playing video games it can make you out of shape and have a bad impact on your health,We can’t forget about the most extreme negative about video games and that addiction, what do I mean by addiction, that this person who plays these video games play the as much as someone who is addicted to smoking smokes.Video games are addicting in  fact it is estimated that 8.5%of young people are addicted or play video games way too much  that’s 3 million people that are addicted to any type of video game.(Kain via Mother Jones)

Well people can be just addicted to video games as they can be addicted to drugs . People tend to blame Video games on their kids poor performance in school. Kids stay up late play video games and it affects their homework, sleep . The  risks and time guidelines for parents on how to limit screen time or sedentary activity of children. Among the risks of too much screen time include obesity, irregular sleep, and impaired academic performance. Time guidelines for children under and over 2 years old are discussed. Information regarding the decrease of screen time is also provided.(Pham)

Most parents will let their children play video games at young age, but they don’t realize that at such a young age the games they play will have an impact on their lives as they grow up,for example if little Timmy plays GTA V (Grand Theft Auto 5) which is a really realistic game where you can do pretty much anything you want like kill,steal,fight,drugs….Etc The bad thing that can happen is say he kills and steals he could think that because its okay for him to do it in the video game. Now that’s a little extreme but that is really what could happen the video game little Timmy plays has an effect on his life. Then not to mention some kids could be affected by the other players in the game through game chat so and we all know how that goes you go on call of duty and some immature person is being rude and disrespectful.

Featured Image:“Addiction“by Ben Andreas Harding” @flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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  • kmichaud15
    May 27, 2015 at 2:59 pm 

    You have a very good point. I agree with you on this one. Have you witnessed this behavior around you or heard about it from someone else?

    • jdostie15
      June 2, 2015 at 10:57 pm 

      Now now I play GTA 5 and have played the series but I have never thought that the human mind could ever have the audacity to hurt people in the real world. Some of the things In GTA are way over exaggerated and are most likely 8 times out 10 not going to happen.

  • tnorris15
    May 28, 2015 at 8:25 am 

    I find it interesting how you talk about the impact that it can have on kids lives. I also like how you talk about how parents are letting their kids play these video games thinking it will not affect them

  • kfield15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:10 am 

    Your argument is invalid. Just because a kid plays a violent video game doesn’t mean they will become a mass murderer that the F.B.I. is hunting down. If you are going to compare the violence in video games, you should equate that to violent movies. Movies like Blackhawk down, Saving Private Ryan, even Full Metal Jacket, should be equal perpetrators to this behavior. Also, it is human nature to be violent. Look at our diet, it mostly consists of meat from a dead animal on an average basis. Look at history, we have had mass murderers and evil villains throughout history, and many of those are not equated to video games as video games are a modern concept. Take Al Capone for example, he killed lots of people and never seen single artificial gun.

    • jdostie15
      June 2, 2015 at 10:57 pm 

      Now now I play GTA 5 and have played the series but I have never thought that the human mind could ever have the audacity to hurt people in the real world. Some of the things In GTA are way over exaggerated and are most likely 8 times out 10 not going to happen.

  • dgamage15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:12 am 

    Now I see your point but at what age does the average life form imply to become a murder? Is it when they are born like some facts show or is it through life choices and decisions as others say? Now yes the brain does some funky stuff with our look at life, but as you can tell we do not have a mob of kids running around shooting rockets at cars. You might say that they have no access to these things when really you can look up how to make rockets and napalm pretty easily on the internet.

  • jcavallaro15
    May 28, 2015 at 11:03 am 

    Kyle you say my argument is invalid but, you have no evidence showing its invalid all you did was start another argument…

    • jcavallaro15
      May 28, 2015 at 11:10 am 

      My argument is not invalid My point is being that video games can have an impact on kids and that I’m talking about now not back in the future because what about the Sandy Hook Shooter? He had a violent past and he played violent video games.

  • kfield15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:25 pm 

    So, I’ve done some research on the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza. Turns out he actually had unstable mental conditions. He was diagnosed with OCD, and Asperger syndrome. He was also not getting help for these conditions and his parents were not accepting his conditions. He was also reported to have an antisocial personality. Also I did present an argument, movies. Why hate on video games if you don’t also prove that movies have an impact on violent behavior? Think about it, we worship William Wallace and other freedom fighters that are actually killing lots of people. I also bring up the point that it is human nature to be violent. Our natural diet is based around killing other animals. This can be proven by looking at nature, the lion kills to survive, the shark kills to survive. Violence is necessary for nature to work. If these predators were not there, the animals they kill would over populate and end up destroying the eco system. I’m just saying that you cannot persecute video games as the only reason for violence, as your post seems to prove.

    • jcavallaro15
      May 28, 2015 at 12:30 pm 

      What your not understanding is that this is about now and video games not movies,diets and ex cons this is about video games and how they can affect kids.. Overall Kyle video games are bad for you no matter how you look at it.

  • kfield15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:32 pm 

    Invalid may have been a little harsh, I’ve just been seeing more and more articles about this topic. Which I disagree as you see.

  • jcavallaro15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:33 pm 

    Yes I see that you disagree but the facts are there.. Video games can affect kids and have a bad impact on them.

  • kfield15
    May 28, 2015 at 12:42 pm 

    There is no hard proof for this though. You can compare games to books. The produce creativity and story making, when you play a game, you create your own story line. Something that you can tell someone the next day about what happened. Whether you died to that boss or got that trick shot that you have been working towards you, it gives you telltale that you can share. Video games are like books, they enrich you with their story and make you inquire about what happens next.

  • jcavallaro15
    May 28, 2015 at 1:03 pm 

    Okay this is about video games nothing else.

  • mmartin15
    May 28, 2015 at 6:40 pm 

    Ahhhh video games. As fun as they are I can relate to them keeping you up all night. I used to play for hours and get 4 hours of sleep and then go to school. One question though. Can one turn psycho at anytime or is it just when they are younger?

  • jcavallaro15
    May 28, 2015 at 8:30 pm 

    There is no age. The point being that they can have an affect on you. And its easier for a younger kid to become addicted to them and be more affected by them than an adult or a teen.

  • mshedd15
    May 28, 2015 at 9:48 pm 

    Do you think video games are soley responsible for children committing violent acts or are there also other outside forces that help contribute? For example do you think a child can just sit and play a violent video game and go out and commit a violent act or do you think they need to witness in the game and in their household? This is a very controversal topic in the news right now. There have been several articles about kids committing violent acts because they have seen it in a video game.

  • croy15
    May 28, 2015 at 10:14 pm 

    I agree with @Mshedd15 does this really have an impact on just young kids or does it have an affect on older kids and is just violent games the cause for it? Can it be other outside sources causing kids to be violent?

  • jmcgeoghegan15
    May 29, 2015 at 7:39 am 

    I also agree with Matt in that it’s not usually the only factor in violent acts of crime. I mean, I’m sure plenty of YOU remember things like Dragon Ball Z and Tom & Jerry. They didn’t turn us into a bunch of murderous freaks, did they? Do you think video games on their own are any different?
    I actually wrote my own UtmostTrouble post as an indirect response to your post, I think you might like to check it out.

  • mpease15
    May 30, 2015 at 9:38 am 

    This is a very interesting post and debate. This raises a lot of different arguments and poses a butt load of questions. I believe in order for video games to have an affect on older people and their minds they are already unstable. As a kid I played video games almost my entire life. I have never thought of committing a crime or even things as serious as “GTA”. I have to agree with @MShedd and have to say there are probably outside problems that are occurring. Whether it be mental or social issues to even being bullied at school. I agree that video games can make you out of shape if you play it day in and day out though. Almost everything in life has addictive property especially video games. Have you thought of the fact maybe the parents are to blame? Playing video games at a young age is very chancy because you don’t really know if they mental or social issues yet. If you want your kids playing video games keep it at the age restrictions. Hopefully this website will inform you a little more no the ratings-

  • jcavallaro15
    May 30, 2015 at 1:26 pm 

    I’m in no way shape or form saying violent video games are the sole reason why kids are angry or mad or attempt to do stupid things but, what I am saying is that violent video games can have a negative impact on kids.

  • lchilds15
    May 31, 2015 at 3:22 pm 

    On the idea that video games causes poor health and obesity what is the proof that it causes that, would it be more along the lines of there eating habits and the time they spend playing video games?

  • jcavallaro15
    May 31, 2015 at 7:30 pm 

    What I mean Lchils15 is that they can make you out of shape because think about it you sit there for a good 5-6 hours a day playing them instead of being outside and playing with your friends and stuff.

  • jcavallaro15
    May 31, 2015 at 7:34 pm 

    Also being out of shape doesn’t mean being obese.

  • kfield15
    May 31, 2015 at 7:55 pm 

    Your statistic on that 8.5% of people are addicted video games is vague, does this also include the many people that play on Ipods or phones, or is it just tailored to PC,Xbox, and PS?

  • jcavallaro15
    May 31, 2015 at 8:03 pm 

    @Kfeild15 it’s console based but, I’m sure the number changes time and time again.

  • bbays15
    June 1, 2015 at 9:26 am 

    This article is very good, and has a lot of useful information. But, what about eye sight? Can playing video games mess up your eye sight in anyway?

  • ktervo15
    June 1, 2015 at 11:34 am 

    This is a very interesting topic to me and I have always been interested in how video games can impact people. Have you also seen that video games can help with peoples reflexes as well?

  • mhilb15
    June 2, 2015 at 1:47 am 

    Although I agree that video games can impact children’s mindset, and they should be controlled and monitored at a young age, I do not think one can make the statements “video games are bad” or “people can be just addicted to video games as they can be addicted to drugs.” As the addiction one can have to “drugs” and to video games would be on two completely different levels, I think it is unjustified to compare the two and say they are the same. I’m sure in all the years you have been in school with computers you have had to complete a simulation online for a science class, so are those classified as video games? Therefore I think it is also unfair to say “video games are bad” when they are used to promote and further education.

  • jcavallaro15
    June 2, 2015 at 7:43 am 

    @Mhilb15 I understand where you are coming from but, you mean to tell me that people that video game addiction is different from any other addiction? Because I know for a fact if you sit there day after day month after month year after year its going to have no impact on there health regardless of what video game they play?

  • marnold15
    June 2, 2015 at 10:45 pm 

    This article makes a great point. I can relate because there was a time growing up where I found myself playing video games for more than 5 hours a day, everyday. It can be addicting, and very influencing on younger kids playing video games. what rules do you think parents should create to limit these things?

  • jcavallaro15
    June 2, 2015 at 10:51 pm 

    They should limit their kids screen time. Also limit what games they play and maturity level of the games

  • jcavallaro15
    June 2, 2015 at 11:15 pm 

    S HEALTH!!!!!!

  • jdostie15
    June 2, 2015 at 11:25 pm 

    Don’t have a HEMI man…..The Guardian isn’t here to save you! Video games can take a toll on children, but generally it is not the video games that link them to do these things. Think about this! Let’s say that little Timmie plays GTA 5 and his parents fight all the time and when they fight they are violent just like the game is violent. The boy goes to school and beats up a kid. The parents are questioned about his behavior and they immediately point to them game, but the boy says that ‘mommy and daddy’ fight just like the game I play. There are two things that make the boy have violence. Not just the video games but the daily things that he lives to see.

    • jcavallaro15
      June 2, 2015 at 11:30 pm 

      True but what if little Timmy plays GTA all the time and kills people everyday at a young age he could pick up these traits get what i’m laying down slim?

  • jbannister15
    June 3, 2015 at 8:51 am 

    This is a good post! Although it talks about the negative impact video games can have on someones life, I can’t see myself stopping with them anytime soon.

    • jcavallaro15
      June 3, 2015 at 9:28 am 

      Yeah because i love video games and they don’t make me crazy.

  • mgilbert15
    June 3, 2015 at 9:51 am 

    This post is exactly why parents need to be confident in their own parenting. If they teach their kids good morals and values they should never have to worry about their kid becoming a mass murderer. This is a conversation about the family unit, not video games.

  • bkarkos15
    June 3, 2015 at 11:17 am 

    Are you sure video games affects a person in these negative ways?

  • cayres15
    June 4, 2015 at 7:34 am 

    I am going to have to agree with @Mgilbert on this one parents are the ones who need to confide in their own parenting skills to make sure their kids don’t become mass Murderer’s. Overall great post very well done way to cover both sides?

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