TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Cam Newton For MVP

Through fourteen weeks of an unbalanced, injury infected NFL season, one team survives at perfection. The Carolina Panthers have used the definition of “owning the league” and then some. They have created such a powerhouse of a program in the 2015-2016 season that teams walk into the stadium with doubt. When outscoring your opponents 53 touchdowns, to a weak 32 touchdowns, there is no way losing is even in the consideration of talk. Although teams stats such as 333 first downs, 5000+ total offensive yards, and having a turnover ratio of +19 are impressive, are they really team stats? Cam Newton has taken this team and carried them to an unforgettable season that is yet to be completed. The talk of the league, the leader of a team and a city, and the most intimidating player in the NFL known to date. The MVP award is within his 10 inch hands grasp.

Standing at 6’5”, and 240lbs Cam is more than capable of carrying this team to their second ever super bowl. Being in the league for five seasons Cam has shown signs of Hall Of Fame status, but this year seems to be the guiding path to proving this statement true. When your leader is also your best player, great things will arise. Cam’s completion rate of 58.8% is one of the top in the League, while also converting 66.7% of fourth downs. These numbers are only the start of why the Panthers are #1 in the NFL, and why Cam is the preferred candidate for the MVP race. Since coming into the league Cam has not only posted phenomenal personal stats, but also stats such as leading his team to three first place finishes in his division. He has turned a struggling team who’s been begging for a leader, into a playoff, and super bowl contender every year. With over 3,400 yards of offense, and 33 touchdowns, cam single-handedly has outscored every opponent he has faced this year. He has accounted for 63% of Carolina’s touchdowns this year. Stating this it is clear to picture that without Cam, a winning season would be a foggy dream. Showing only 10 interceptions on 439 attempts configures that there is only a 2.27% chance that Cam throws an interception. If you ask me, the numbers speak for themselves.

Cam’s competition is against the legendary Tom Brady, and Carson Palmer. Although neither of these quarterbacks have been proficient enough to be perfect. Cam’s emerging into this league as the new Brady, and has made a statement this year. Tom who has had quite the season himself still falls short of Cam’s accomplishments. Which in fact, Brady having a good year helps Cam’s chances in my opinion. Easily being able to compare the two side by side, although still with Cam on top of a future Hall Of Fame player. With the information stated, there is no doubt that Cam has to be the MVP of the regular season, and who knows, maybe even of Super Bowl 50.

Featured Image:”Cam Newton” By: Keith Allison @Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Carolina Panthers Stats at” Carolina Panthers Stats at NFL, n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2015.
List Of Carolina Panther Seasons.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2015.


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