TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Pretty Little Liars

Season 6B final ended with the release of “A”. “A” was revealed as Charlie also known as Cece. Cece was revealed to the liars as Alison Dilaurentis brother, now sister. she gave a backstory as to why she was torturing the liars. Cece was born into the Dilaurentis family as Charlie, along with her brother Jason and her sister Alison. To his Parents Charlie wasn’t normal. One day Mrs.Dilaurentis was outside gardening while Jason sat by playing with toys, Charlie was upstairs watching over his baby sister as she slept in the crib. As Charlie played with his tea set Alison began to cry, being the older brother Charlie wanted to help his sister, he thought he could help her by giving her a bath because it always seemed to help him when he was feeling down. Charlie was young he didn’t know what would happen if he laid his sister in the water, he thought he was helping. while under water Mr. Dilaurentis rushed in pulling Alison out of the water and screaming at Charlie. After that situation Charlie was put into a rehab center where he stayed for years and years. Jason the second youngest was told Charlie was an imaginary friend and that he left and will never return. While in rehab Charlie was only visited by his mother because his dad wanted nothing to do with him, Charlie only had his mother. Soon after Charlie died, and became Cece. His mother was accepting with the change and they made a grave for charlie and put him to rest. with her new identities as Cece Drake she began schooling in rehab and eventually she got the ok to attend normal school during the day, instead she wanted to see her family, Cece attended the school where Jason her brother attended, at this time Jason was a college student, because she wanted so badly to be apart of her family again she began to date Jason, Jason soon introduced Cece to his family where she met her sister Alison and saw her dad for the first time in many years, Cece was loved instantly, However Mrs. Dilaurentis wasn’t happy when she found out.

Without knowing she was her sister Alison became instant best friends with Cece, Cece loved her sister so much and wanted to protect her, when Cece met the 4 little liars and overheard how joyed they were when Alison turned up missing, Cece thought that was wrong, she couldn’t understand why Alison’s friends who are suppose to be there for her were relieved when Alison had gone missing. 2 years pass and Alison’s alleged body was found, Cece wasn’t happy at all she began sending the liars messages, she felt as if the liars has stood in between her and her sister, Cece used people like Mona a good friend to one of the liars to help her with torturing the liars.
Once this was all revealed to the liars everything made sense and Cece was ready to jump off the top of a building, the liars especially Alison convinced Cece not to jump, Cece stepped down and finally all the texts, treats, warnings, and hurt was all gone and the liars get to live an “A” free life.

With what I have saw, the show is kicking off Season 6B with a 5 year flash forward, it is shown that all liars are grown and have new lovers, everything has changed except for one thing, something is once again after them. With what I’ve seen I don’t think “A” is back I think it is something much bigger and can affect them in a much worse ways than “A”, I’m also hoping old relationships will rekindle.


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