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Decades of Music – 20's

There were only four popular genres of music in the 20’s. Jazz, Blues, Dance Bands, and Broadway. Most of us have probably heard of Luis Armstrong who was one of the best Jazz performers of the decade and, possibly, of all time.

As we all know, segregation was a huge problem back then. A cool fact though, Armstrong was one of the only African Americans to frequently play at whites only clubs. Some of his most memorable songs were “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” “Heebie Jeebies,” and “West End Blues.” I’m pretty sure most of us are familiar with “What a Wonderful World,” but that was released in 1967.

Jazz became very popular and spread rapidly throughout the country. Bands would play their music in clubs, speakeasies, and dance halls everywhere. A few other famous performers from that time include Duke Ellington, Bix Beiderbecke, Jelly Roll Morton, and King Oliver.


Dance Bands were found in almost every town throughout the country. People would gather around to listen to music and try out new dance crazes. The most popular dances were the “Charleston,” the “Shimmy,” the “Foxtrot,” the “Black Bottom,” and the “Lindy Hop.” Regular competitions were held by stores or radio stations to see who could dance the longest. The winner obviously got some sort of prize.

Dancing also changed the clothing styles of the 20’s, This brought forth the term “Flapper,” which was looser fitting styles of dresses for women. Men usually wore casual sportswear.

A few of the best orchestras were Ted Lewis, Paul Whiteman, Leo Reisman, and Rudy Vallee.


Blues was mostly popular with African Americans back then. Songs would often relate to a person personal struggles and the problems of segregation. Some, however, were funny and witty. Mamie Smith was one of the most important singers of the decade. She made the first recorded blues vocal performance by an African American singer in 1920. Bessie Smith was the highest paid African American singer having several hit songs throughout the 20’s.

More Blues singers include Jimmie Rogers, Sara Martin, Blind Lemon Jefferson, and Lonnie Johnson.


Broadway became a hit when “Talkies” started becoming popular. Broadway became a place where the best composers, performers, musicians, and writers gathered to create new art together. A lot of the composers’ works were turned into the first musical films. A few examples include “Sally” (1920 stage musical to 1929 film), “Rio Rita” (1927 stage musical to 1929 film), and “Show Boat” (1927 stage musical to 1929 film). A famous composer named George Gershwin branched out and mixed old with new music. in 1924, he wrote “Rhapsody in Blue,” which mixed classical with modern jazz.

A couple of old stars that got their start on Broadway were Fanny Brice, Al Jolson, Sophie Tucker, and Ethel Waters.


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