TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Game Reviews


LEGO Marvel Superheroes

Using the Marvel superhero lego characters; such as superheroes and villains from the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Guardians of the Galaxy, you go through 15 levels to try and defeat Doctor Doom, Loki and Galactus; devourer of worlds. Plus you can run around New York City, play side missions and 15 free-play levels where you could be any unlocked superhero or villain. While you go through the game you can collect minikits, gold bricks, red bricks, Stan Lee In Perils and all kinds of vehicles and lego characters, but also you need to collect stubs or the silver, gold, blue and purple coins used to unlock characters and vehicles. Going through the levels are easy. They give you the characters needed to advance through the level, they even give you some helpful hints. Nevertheless some parts, like the free-play levels you have to find the hidden minikits, gold bricks, etc. The same with when you are just walking through New York City, throughout the city there are hidden collectables you could get.  This game if filled with fun for all ages.



Pokémon Series

In the beginning of every Pokémon you always meet the Pokémon Professor, although they change names, gender and looks in every Pokémon version. For example  in Pokémon Black the Professor is a female named Juniper and on Pokémon Platinum the professor is a male named Rowan. But they always ask and tell you similar things, what Pokémon are, what they are to humans, ask you for your gender, then name followed by either what your rivals name is or your friend(s)’s name. Then you start in you bedroom in your house, which is located in the smallest town surrounded by tall grass, which you cannot exit without a Pokémon, and without any Pokémon center or pokémart. Soon enough the professor gives you your first Pokémon, Poké balls and a Pokédex and you start traveling to catch Pokémon of your own and collect data for the professor.

The Pokémon series is not that difficult, like other video games there are challenges like winning every Pokémon battle and not having enough money to buy items at the pokémart. Mostly everyone would agree that Pokémon games are fun. Some of the latest Pokémon games have way better graphics than the older versions like the Pokémon Leaf Green.



LEGO Batman: the Videogame

LEGO Batman only has characters from Batman; so the superheroes are Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing which come with different suits and the villains are Joker, the Penguin, Clayface, Catwoman, Twoface, the Riddler and more. The villains have escaped Arkham Asylum and are havoc-ing over Gotham City and so it’s up to the masked vigilante to save Gotham. Like LEGO Marvel Superheroes you go through multiple levels, 30 to be exact. 15 of those levels you are the heroes catching the bad guys and the other 15 you are the villains running from the good guys and taking what you want. Also similar to LEGO Marvel Superheroes you collect minikits, red bricks, characters and studs but also suits for each of the heroes. LEGO Batman is more difficult than the LEGO Marvel Superheroes game. Personally the graphics suck, Gotham is illustrated as a dark city and Gotham citizens and villain goons are running everywhere.



Fable II

In the beginning you choose your gender but your name is always either Little Sparrow or just Sparrow. Later in the game you could change it but it is never a normal name just a hero nickname, or if you want to be a criminal a villain nickname. Your older sister is shot, as well as you, but you survive being shot, falling out a window, hitting a roof and falling to the ground. The dog you save earlier saves you as well as some woman. Year later you are grown up and seek revenge for your sister. You go out and do quests for the woman who saved you and find the four heroes. This game is difficult, you do have a glowing light that guides you through quests but you also have to collect money and choose if your going to be a good or a bad person. Even though I sometimes have no idea what I’m doing, it is a fun game. The graphics are pretty good.



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