TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What To Expect From Chorus

I may be biased when I say that chorus is one of the best classes to take, but I will say it anyway. Chorus is great! I get to go into the music room and spend an entire period sitting and singing beautiful songs with others who appreciate music as much as I do. There are only eight girls in chorus (so far), so we’re a tight knit group. Now this isn’t always easy, as having a room full of teenage girls can be a bit crazy. But for the most part, we all have a great sense of camaraderie with each other. Singing isn’t always easy, especially if you have anxiety about performing in front of people like I do. However, it’s a great experience to be able to attend a class where you know that others are not judging you. Everyone in the class seems to have a sense of understanding. None of us are better than one another and we all make mistakes. Even the girls who are more experienced are apt to mess up every now and then while practicing a song. What’s encouraging to know is that despite the mistakes that are bound to happen, we all know that we’re capable of working together to create something beautiful. I also find it encouraging to have Mr. Neal for a teacher. He is very understanding when it comes to the student’s learning and is always willing to help when he can.

Most of the time the music selections are very fun and interesting to sing. In the time that I’ve been in the class there has only ever been one song that I didn’t enjoy singing (but don’t tell Mr. Neal). To be honest, the only reason for that was because I couldn’t get the the counting right. The first few selections for the Fall Term Concert were generally very upbeat and exciting to listen to. From the jazzy Tuxedo Junction (which may or may not have been the one I had difficulty with) to the melodic Songs of a Disney Princess. Our current selections for the upcoming March Winter Concert are more serious. Along with the change in mood the pieces have become slightly more difficult. There are more harmonies that we need to work with, transitions and counting that must be meant to enhance our understanding of musical dynamics as a whole. Despite being more serious, I love all of the pieces that we’re working with. The melodies are so beautiful and each music selection tells a story. From a sad song of a girl left behind when her beloved goes to war to the inspirational ballad of The Climb by Miley Cyrus.

I can’t say that everything in chorus is easy. There’s far more than just singing to the class. You have to learn the dynamics of the piece you’re singing, the timing of the words, and most importantly the emotion. If you sign up for chorus and have little to no appreciation for various types of music, then you are in trouble. You have to be able to appeal to the tone of the song to make it entertaining.

Chorus may not be for everyone, but I’m very glad that I signed up for it. Through chorus I was able to face my fear of performing in front of people. I’m still pretty terrified, but I now know that if I did it once I can do it again. I strongly suggest any of the Oak Hill music programs for those who love working with others and have a true appreciation for the musical arts.

Featured Image: “Female Singer” by Aikawa Ke @ flickr


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