TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Evolve, Can you survive?

Evolve is one of the new multiplayer games that brings thrills and chills to you and friends you know.  This game when it came out is available for the Xbox one, only one player per console and can be up to five players over Xbox live, one monster and four hunters.  There are about five different modes you can play with four other players or bots (Hunt, Rescue, Nest, Arena, and Evacuation), with a standard choice of maps and characters to choose from, and some will either have to be unlocked or bought from the Xbox live store.  Some of the things you can get besides characters are skins for monsters and hunter load outs, and you can also get season passes which will include a bundle of skins and characters.  All the different characters like hunters and monsters will have weapons and different abilities, all that will work in their own way and they will all have certain advantages.  But now that I’ve explained the basics, it’s time to go to the game modes and different characters with explanations.

First we will start with Hunt mode which is playable online and off, either with bots or other players.  Hunt starts out with the monster which starts out at stage 1 and needs to flee and hunt wildlife, and eat to gain energy to stage up into a bigger and more powerful opponent.  Hunters arrive shortly after the monster and will need to track down, trap, and kill the monster before it gets to big, monster tracks, broken trees, animal corpses, and bird signs are all indicators of the monster’s presence.  The round ends when one team is eliminated or if the monster makes it to stage three and destroys the power relay.  Players playing as monsters can be crafty sometimes, because they will use tactics like stealth mode to hide there tracks, pounce lone hunters, and launch surprise attacks when the hunters do not expect it.  Some monsters that have distraction and/ or ambush related abilities are Kraken (Banshee Mines), and Gorgon (Spider Trap).

Let’s talk about the monsters now, Goliath is a physical brute, or team monsters brawler, Kraken is death from above, Wraith is the assassin, Behemoth is the Juggernaut, and Gorgon excels in guerrilla tactics.  Here are basic moves you get from the tutorial videos in the game, you use the smell ability to highlight nearby hunters and wildlife.  Melee attacks are effective at close range against any target.  Eat corpses to gain armor and energy to evolve, your monster will climb almost any surface.  use the A button to use your monsters traversal ability (Goliath, leap), (Kraken, air burst), (Wraith, warp), (Behemoth, roll), and (Gorgon, web sling).  Your monster will have four different ability’s each, for example Goliath has (rock throw, leap smash, fire breath, and charge), and Gorgon has (acid spit, Spider trap, web snare, and mimic).  These are just some examples of a wide variety of tutorials and tips you can find out by watching videos on tips and a walk through or two.


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